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Calendar and Easter.
All the same infallible calendar? After World War I various Orthodox Churches, beginning with the Patriarchate of Constantinople, began to abandon the Julian calendar or Old Calendar, and adopt a form of the Gregorian calendar or New Calendar. The Julian calendar is, at the present time, thirteen days behind the Gregorian Calendar. Today, many Orthodox Churches (with the exception of Jerusalem, Russia, Serbia, and Mount Athos) use the New, Gregorian Calendar for fixed feasts and holy days but the Julian calendar for Easter and movable feasts. In this way all the Orthodox celebrate Easter together. The Orthodox Church calendar begins on September 1st and ends on August 31st. Each day is sacred: each is a saint's day, so at least one saint is venerated daily.
This begs the question therefore, if they are practicing the same Faith as the first Faith, what was the first Calendar of the First Infallible Faith? Was it the Babylonian Calendar the Jews used? Who lost track of their own calendar in the Captivity in Babylon? And to this day use the Babylonian Calendar? That is quite a hard question for the Orthodox Christian religion to answer, who lay such weight on the practicing of their clockwork liturgical calendar, and yet claim it to be infallibly the same as the first church. It is not so hard if you build your faith on "walk in the Spirit" not on calendar regimentation of your Faith.
Orthodox Christmas.
quote "Christmas is celebrated by Orthodox Christians on the 7th of January in the Gregorian Calendar - 13 days after other Christians.
In the East, Christmas is preceded by a 40 day fast beginning on November 15th. This is a time of reflection, self-restraint and inner healing in the sacrament of confession. Usually, on Christmas Eve, observant Orthodox Christians fast till late evening, until the first star appears. When the star is seen, people lay the table ready for the Christmas supper.
On Christmas Day people take part in divine liturgy, after which many walk in procession to seas, rivers and lakes. Then a great feast is held indoors where everyone joins in to eat, drink and enjoy themselves."
In Orthodox Russian the tradition is mixed with other pagan traditions of ancient Russia such that people may visit their neighbours in disguises, dance, sing and ask for presents, similar to trick-or-treating. They also dig into frozen rivers and streams to "bless" them with rituals.