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                    Overview of Creeds

(why talking about Creeds is difficult)

sorry this page is just notes right now.....

Your oxymoronic argument - Be Catholic, we believe in ONE church, Protestants do NOT.
Then you say Protestants believe The Nicene Creed that says there is ONE church, its just the ONE church to us is all born again believers.
You slip up over and over again with your lies


Before the Nicene Creed was written Christians were supposed to be riotously killing each other "over doctrine". I have a belief this point of history is one of the most important of all, as I suspect those being killed were largely pacifists who rejected Constantine as Christian altogether.

SOME PROTESTANTS ACCEPT THE CREED ITSELF. but not the so called additional explanatory writings that some say are of the same date, called canons.

but the interesting thing is Evangelical types and Catholics types can accept this  Creed simply by interpreting the words diffeently.


1) The reference to salvation through Christ by his death and resurrection is the Evangelical and Protestant gospel of 1 Cor 15:1-4 and Luke 24:44-48.

2) We believe in Trinity, 

3) We believe Jesus went back up into heaven.

4) We believe the Spirit was given.

5) We believe in

a) one church - all those who believe on Christ and repent

b) Apostolic - by meaning it is from the Apostles, not in hand me down powers.Or another Protestant belief is that there are modern Apostles and it simply means "church planters" and is one of the ministries.

c) Catholic - simply because it means universal, and we believe in one church of born again believers.

d) Holy - in that all believers are saints (set apart ones) not in unity with cults, sects and false churches......

this being the case, as the creed itself has no reference to salvation by works or sacerdotalism, how can Catholics say "there is no evidence [people with Evangelical or Protestant beliefs existed at that time" ? When the Creed itself could be an example if y0u interpret it differently to them. 


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