The purpose of this page is to point out that if the Orthodox want to add the heathen Roman Calendar as if it is part of Christianity, as it was used at the time of Christ and the Apostles, why not also do the same with the days of the week, and complete their illogical and blasphemous defilements? The fact is calendars are entirely peripheral to the Faith. The Jewish calendar was lost in the Babylonian and Assyrian Captivities. along with a definite doctrine on how to pronounce the word Yahweh.
The days of the week in ancient Rome were named after the planets, which in turn were named after gods. In most cases the Germanic names substituted the name of a comparable Germanic god for the Roman god's name, but in the case of Saturday the Roman name was retained.
Greco-Roman tradition[edit]
Further information: Week and Planetary hours
Between the 1st and 3rd centuries, the Roman Empire gradually replaced the eight-day Roman nundinal cycle with the seven-day week. The earliest evidence for this new system is a Pompeiian graffito referring to 6 February (viii idus Februarius) of the year AD 60 as dies solis ("Sunday").[1] Another early witness is a reference to a lost treatise by Plutarch, written in about AD 100, which addressed the question of: "Why are the days named after the planets reckoned in a different order from the actual order?".[2]
THE QUESTION is When Jesus was alive did the Romans have 8 days in the week? Funny how the Eastern Orthodox have a handy tradition except for answering questions like this that undermine their heresy of syphoning a heathen Calendar into the Faith. Even if we ignore that issue all the Roman Days of the 7 Day week were false gods or the sun and moon that were associated with false gods and idolatry.
The idol ridden Roman Days of the week
(similar to their idol ridden Orthodox Julian calendar)
SUNDAY =. diēs Sōlis (Sol or Helios )
MONDAY = diēs Lūnae (Luna or Selena )
TUESDAY = diēs Mārtis ( Mars or Ares )
WEDNESDAY = diēs Mercuriī ( Mercurius or Hermes )
THURSDAY = diēs Iovis ( Luppiter {Jupiter} or Zeus )
FRIDAY = diēs Veneris ( Venus or Aphrodite )
SATURDAY = diēs Saturnī (So or Helios) ( Saturnos or Kronos )
The days were named after the planets of Hellenistic astrology, in the order Sun, Moon, Mars (Ares), Mercury (Hermes), Jupiter (Zeus), Venus (Aphrodite) and Saturn (Cronos).[3]
The seven-day week spread throughout the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity. By the 4th century, it was in wide use throughout the Empire, and it had also reached India and China.
MONDAY = Old English Mōnandæg ‘day of the moon’, translation of late Latin lunae dies
TUESDAY = Old English Tīwesdæg ‘day of Tīw’, a Germanic god of war and the sky
WEDNESDAY = Old English Wōdnesdæg‘ day of Odin’, named after the Germanic god Odin or Woden, the supreme god
THURSDAY = Old English Thu(n)resdæg‘ day of thunder’, named after Thunor or Thor, the Germanic god of thunder
FRIDAY = Old English Frīgedæg ‘day of Frigga’, named after the Germanic goddess Frigga, wife of the supreme god Odin and goddess of married love
SATURDAY = Old English Sætern(es)dæg, translation of Latin Saturni dies ‘day of Saturn’, the ancient Roman god of agriculture.
SUNDAY = Old English Sunnandæg ‘day of the sun’, translation of Latin dies solis.
I am only just beginning to research the days of the week in Greek and Russian. The point of this study is of course to point out that if the Calendar of the Romans is (according to the Orthodox) to be part of the Faith, why not retain the Roman days of the week too, and complete their blasphemous process of saturating Christianity with links to false gods?
I feel it will inevitable be shown the Orthodox countries have introduced replacement false gods into their calendars just as the English calendar has..... we will see.
Sunday comes first in order in calendars shown in the table below. In the Judeo-Christian or Abrahamic tradition, the first day of the week is Sunday. Biblical Sabbath (corresponding to Saturday), when God rested from six-day Creation, made the day following Sabbath the first day of the week (corresponding to Sunday). Seventh-day Sabbaths were sanctified for celebration and rest. After the week was adopted in early Christianity, Sunday remained the first day of the week, but also gradually displaced Saturday as the day of celebration and rest, being considered the Lord's Day.
Saint Martin of Dumio (c. 520–580), archbishop of Braga, decided not to call days by pagan gods and to use ecclesiastic terminology to designate them. While the custom of numbering the days of the week was mostly prevalent in the Eastern Church, Portuguese and Galician, due to Martin's influence, are the only Romance languages in which the names of the days come from numbers rather than planetary names.[21]
Icelandic is a special case within the Germanic languages, maintaining only the Sun and Moon (sunnudagur and mánudagur respectively), while dispensing with the names of the explicitly heathen gods in favour of a combination of numbered days and days whose names are linked to pious or domestic routine (föstudagur, "Fasting Day" and laugardagur, "Washing Day"). The "washing day" is also used in other North Germanic languages, but otherwise the names correspond to those of English.
SUNDAY = Κυριακή ( Kyriakí ) [☉1]
MONDAY = Δευτέρα ( Deftéra )
TUESDAY = Τρίτη ( Tríti )
WEDNESDAY = Τετάρτη ( Tetárti )
THURSDAY = Πέμπτη ( Pémpti )
FRIDAY = Παρασκευή ( Paraskeví ) [♀2]
SATURDAY = Σάββατο ( Sávato ) [♄1]
The Slavic, Baltic and Uralic languages (except Finnish and partially Estonian) adopted numbering but took Monday rather than Sunday as the "first day".
In Slavic languages, some of the names correspond to numerals after Sunday: compare Russian vtornik (вторник) "Tuesday" and vtoroj (второй) "the second", chetverg (четверг) "Thursday" and chetvjortyj (четвёртый) "the fourth", pyatnitsa (пятница) "Friday" and pyatyj (пятый) "the fifth"; see also the Notes.
MONDAY = понедельник ( ponedel'nik ) [☽1]
TUESDAY = вторник ( vtornik )
WEDNESDAY = среда ( sreda ) [☿1]
THURSDAY = четверг ( chetverg ) [♃4]
FRIDAY = пятница ( pyatnitsa ) [♀5]
SATURDAY = суббота ( subbota ) [♄1]
SUNDAY = воскресенье ( voskresen'ye ) [☉3]
It is interesting that the Greeks and Russians do not even start their week with the same day. If my research is right another interesting anomaly is that Macedonia begin their week with Monday like the Russians, but the Greeks with Sunday.
As the days of the week in Hebrew are not lost in the captivities, the anomaly between the suggestion Jesus would have acknowledged them and the discrepancy of melding them with the Roman Calendar of months is an interesting refutation of the Orthodox desire to siphon a heathen calendar into the Faith.
SUNDAY = ראשון ( rishon )
MONDAY = שני ( sheyni )
TUESDAY = שלישי ( shlishi )
WEDNESDAY = רביעי ( revi'i )
THURSDAY = חמישי ( khamishi )
FRIDAY = שישי ( shishi )
SATURDAY = שבת ( Shabbat ) [♄1]
see wiki article: " Names of the days of the week "