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                     DIFFERENCES BETWEEN


Being reorganised

important: Get to know the Orthodox word "Theologoumena" it is their great get out clause, and an aid to mystification of doctrine, so they do not need to answer for all the contradictions in their beliefs.

Roman Catholic.

1) Pope - Head of Church

2) Pope - Infallible

3) St Peter's successors all totally different from Orthodoxy.

3) Change the 10 Commandments

4) Filioque - accept

5) Hell - is physical Lake of Fire

6) Purgatory - accept

7) Limbo - accept

8) Divorce and remarriage - forbidden

9) Priestly power in transubstantiation

10) Transubstantiation

11) Marriage vows

12) Orthodox Titular Head - den

13) Saint Andrew was the first Byzantium Bishop - denied, deny root of Titular Heads power.

13) Mass - in Latin (changed)

14) Catholicism - the one true Church

15) Infant Sprinkling

16) Chrismation - not an independent sacrament

17) Confirmation - for full church member

18) Original sin nature

19) Canon of scripture - extra Old Testament Books

Eastern Orthodox.

1) Pope - has never been Head of the Church

2) Pope - is a heretic

3) 3) St Peter's successors all totally different from Roman Catholicism.

3) Do not change the 10 Commandments

4) Filioque - deny

5) Hell - spiritual torment only

6) Purgatory - deny

7) Limbo - deny

8) Divorce and remarriage - allowed

9) Epiklesis - Deny priestly power

10) Metousiosis

11) No marriage vows

12) Orthodox Titular Head - accept

13) Saint Andrew was the first Byzantium Bishop - thus their Titular Head derives his power from him.

13) Divine Liturgy - in Greek (changed)

14) Orthodoxy - the one true church

15) Triple infant baptism

16) Christmation made a sacrament

17) Full church member at baptism (plus godparent guides) (catechumen for converts only)

18) Original sin nature - deny (semi-Peliaian "ancestral sin" doctrine)

19) Canon of scripture - even more extra Old Testament Books

Roman Catholic.

20) Bible - from Latin (changed)

21) Calendar - Gregorian as "part of the Faith"

22) Communion bread - wafer, unleavened

23) communion wine - fermented

24) New Year - January 1st

25) Liturgical New Year - 1st Sunday of Advent (1 - 2 December)

26) Fish Head mitre (origin - Dagon?)

27) Christmas - 25th December

28) Rosary

29) The "Great Fathers" - Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, Gregory the Great

30) Male only clergy

31) Catholic church is infallible

32) Orthodox church is wrong so not infallible

33) Systematic Theology

34) Doctrinal Development

35) No doctrine on God having "energies and essence"

36) Jesus died to remove the offence of Adam

37) Fast on Good Friday..

38) Idols usually statues..

39) Dogma - Usually clear doctrine.

1) Theosis
2) Marriage / Divorce
3) Priestly Powers
4) Pope Head of Church
5) Infant sprinkling
6) Chrismation
7) Ancestral sin vs. Original sin
8) No actual fire Hell



61) Praying for the dead .

​62) The dead can pray for you!

​63) Praying to the dead 

​​65) Hesychasm -  

66​​) Aerial Toll House prayers -  (that is praying on Earth for those in the Toll Houses)

​67) All saints day  (Halloween)

​68) The Communion of Saints .

​69) The Repose of souls of the dead .

​70) The Orthodox Prayer of Absolution (also for the Dying)


TOP 80:   10 proofs that Eastern Orthodoxy is a Sex Cult.

71) They commit Adultery by misinterpreting "porneia" in Matthew 5:32 as including post marital adultery and "thus" a supposedly legitimate reason to divorce and remarry

72) They commit Adultery by the rule of "economy" (oikonomia): 

​73) Adultery by "He causes her to commit adultery".

74) No marriage vows -

​75) Adultery justified under Antinomianism ,

76) That Marriage is a sacrament.

​77) Invested Authority to marry a couple:

​78) They do not properly teach to keep virginity before marriage.

79) Celibacy of the clergy: (this is actually very serious error)

80) Banning women from the entire Mount Athos Peninsula  - sexism.

80 a) Giving your daughter in marriage without choice on her part. No emancipation for over 1,000 years is a serious point to prove Orthodoxy false. However at the present time I cannot prove they did "give their daughters in marriage" in a way similar to the Muslims.

80 b) RESEARCH - did the Orthodox ever execute adulterers? Henry VIII and Calvin believed in doing this, never grasping John 8:7.

80 c) Unbiblical annulments of marriages (like Catholicism) ?

80 d) Marrying unbelievers (see link).

80 e) Baby or child engagement / marriage.

TOP 90 : (Other distinctly Orthodox) .


81)  Grave desecration & Funeral extortion racket . 

​82)  No belief in mortal sin (works of the flesh) : 

83)  Filioque issues : including as an extraneous baptismal requirement.

​84)  Long haired / bearded priests (Gurus not Christians) 

​85)  The Jesus Prayer ​- Vain repetitions in prayer . 

​86)  Exorcisms of babies : (child)

​87)  No singing or music, chanting only, no sitting down . 

88)  The Miracle of Holy Fire . 

89)  The prayer rope .

90)  The descent into Hell of Christ, ( and Harrowing of Hell Doctrines )

TOP 100:  Contentious Issues:

91) Canonization in Orthodoxy is called "Glorification to sainthood"

92) Mortification:

93) Renunciation of Errors (in Baptism / Chrismation ceremonies) 

94) ​Oversimplification of the character of God: (God is love = no Hell etc)

95) 40 Day "Churching" of a baby 

96) Economia (Economy) - discretionary deviation from the letter of the law

97) Symphonia heresy - when their fake church sees it as practical to compromise with the state in order to survive / thrive by sinning.

98) The Pope "a bishop".

99) Graded churches in authority.

100) The Three hierarchs (three heretics actually)


TOP 110

​101) They kept the bible from the people for over 1,000 years - 

​​102) Their False definition of heresy - 

​​103) Ecumenical

​104) Holy Orders .

​​105) Call no man father . 

​106) ​Prostration, and bowing . 

​107) ​Anathema ceremonies .

108) Prayer Books . 

109) The Cycle of Prayer (daily, and yearly) 

​​110) A Personal relationship Mary and saints (spiritism)

TOP 120.   Churchianity. 


​111) Giving toddlers alcohol.  (child)

​112) Calendarization of lifestyle - The liturgical year

​113) Uniforms, -  crowns, mitres etc

​114) Sycophancy to political figures, kings and queens.

115) Fasting before men .

​116) Many Extraneous baptismal requirements / doctrines .

​117) Godparent indoctrinators . (child)

118) False Christs - They say they "become a Christ" in Chrismation! 

​119) False new identity.  (child)

120) Holy water power. x

TOP 130.


121) Not throwing away salvation is earning it.

​​122) Indoctrination of children . (child)

​123) Denial of the true church in hiding - (that the church must always be big and visible - this is related to Apostolic Succession)

124) Deliberately Clouding of "The Weightier matters of the Law" .

​125) Spiritual Whoredom - 

​126) ​Unbiblical excommunications: eg Council of Ephesus 430 Canon 6 decreed deposition from clerical office or excommunication for those who did not accept the Council's decrees.

​127) Forgeries & Forging History (see last sections of TOP 10)

​128) Infiltrated by the KGB / FSB / FSS - and they believe still is by the FSB (Putin's equivalent).

​129) Mysticism

​130) Liturgy and restriction of languages - (Liturgy)


TOP 140. various (authority issues).


131) Orthodoxy is the most oxymoronic faith in the world - 

​​132) The Heresy of swearing oaths . ​​

133) Ruled over by Pharisees . 

​​134) Tribalism.  

​​135) Incense thuribles 

​​136) Fake miracles - holy fire is just one

​​137) Bogus hierarchy / pyramid system

138) Orthodox false prophets ​(Pseudo-Pentecostalism) .

​​139) Usurpers of Christ.

​​140) Their version of the Talmud . The corporate Traditions, rituals, inventions of men.

​​139) They are Universalists! ( called Apokatastasis by them)   

TOP 150:

141) The 7 Sins of Rome (Rev 18:1-24):

​142) The Orthodox Sanhedrin heresy - Judaism is based on the beliefs of Korah, that the 70 Sanhedrin and others had the same powers to create law as Moses. This heresy is repeated in Orthodoxy but with bishops and traditions that in effect become church law and so called "infallible".

143) Refusal to recognize the Holy Spirit is our primary teacher.

144) Nicolaitanism.

145) Religious Colonialism by land buying / grabbing.

​146) The Scarlet and Purple Heresy .

147) Churches being autocephalous and non autocephalous . 

Angel heresies: x3.

​148) That angels are superior in nature and intelligence to man .

​149) Unprovable Angelic order (tagmata)

​150) In the Orthodox worship, every Monday is dedicated to the angels.

TOP 160.   Church plus State Oppression.

151) Christendom:

152) Serfdom :

153) Churchianity 

​154) Crypto-converts: enforced pseudo conversion :

​​​​155) Visitation Forgiveness..

​​156) Orthodoxy is an Anachronistic Faith (see also Oxymoronic Faith)

​157) Ethno-Phyletism issues:

​158) Movable doctrines .

​159) "All your sins will be forgiven if you go out on The Crusade"  (repeat?)

160) The persecution. imprisonment, murder, torture and banishment of real Christians.  (also sin of Anti-Protestantism)

TOP 170.

​161) A cherry-picking form of The Judaizing heresy .

​162) They deny the character of the new covenant which is freedom .

163) They deny the Millennium Kingdom .

164) Candle lighting ,

165) Parasite Priests and Bishops - (repeat?)

166) Canon Law . The Canons of the Council of Nicea, and Nicene Creed (325) (and other Creeds) contain much heresy, yet are treated as if on a par with scripture.  

167) Cathedrals & church buildings .

168) Leavened Bread & alcoholic wine in the eucharist .

169) Nepsis linked with Catharsis

170) Forbidding to interpret and have doctrines on the Book of Revelation - 

TOP 180.


171) TOP 100 Fake Saints :

​172) Cremation destroys the soul. - The church tradition (and thus infallible) 

​173) Burial in consecrated ground. (a must)

​174) False man made burial rites of no importance .

175) Deny a burial - blasphemy, suicide, denial of their faith etc. 

176) The ovum of Mary must definitely have been used in Christ's conception

​177) Oxymorons over Dogma - the Orthodox oxymoronically say their only real dogmas are centered on the Creed (which has no gospel that saves) yet will as good as excommunicate anyone denying their myriad of traditions. or their stand on Filioque issues etc. 

​178) Female deacons (also nuns, abbesses etc,) 

​179) Mystification of doctrine

​180) The "laity" .

TOP 190.

​181) Monasteries and Nunneries

​​182) Mongrel Orthodoxy - eg Hank Hanegraaff 

​​183) Evolutionism is taught by many . 

184) Homosexuality is accepted by many as "biblical"  .

185) Very Low Corruption Perception Index .

186) ​​Highjacking theology - they quote things that utterly refute them as if  supporting them in order to deliberately confuse people.

187) Not clear enough on abortion .

188) Their Clergy are do-nothings. They help almost no one much at all.

189) They actively  suppress Evangelism. They breed converts instead of Evangelizing -  - the Orthodox "Christian" Putin has banned Evangelism in Russia (fined or imprisoned), and the Orthodox are glad as they breed converts.

190) Their clergy are liars. Especially about Protestant salvation theology.

TOP 200.

191) TOP 10 "Holy" Witchcraft - paraphernalia, gesticulations, incantations etc

192) TOP 10 -  "Real" Holy sites (Biblical but not identified)

193) TOP 10  "Fake" Holy Sites .(unbiblical as of human origin)

194) TOP 10  Relics of persons in the bible : 

195) TOP 10   Fake saints relics :

196) TOP 10  Bodies / body parts .

197​) TOP 10  Church artifacts:

198) TOP 10  Architecture - 

199) TOP 10  Uniforms 

200) TOP 10 General Artifact relics - (under construction)

TOP 210.


201) TOP 10 General Artifact relics - (under construction)

202) TOP 10 Sins Shared with (modern) Protestantism

​203) TOP 10  Monastic Deceptions.

204) Sabbath and Orthodoxy -

205) Nepotism , 

Eastern Orthodox.

20) Bible - all Greek, OT from Greek34

21) Calendar - Julian & Gregorian (divided) Julian false gods calendar as "part of the Faith"

22) Communion bread - leavened

23) communion wine - fermented, water added, given to babies.

24) New Year - January 14 (divided over this)

25) Liturgical New Year - September 1

26) Turban mitre (origin - Eastern / Oriental turban)

27) Christmas 4th January (divided over this)

28) Prayer rope

29) The "Great Fathers" - Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus, John Chrysostom (& Athanasius)

30) Some female clergy

31) Catholic church is wrong so not infallible

32) Orthodox church is infallible

33) Discursive Theology

34) The first church was identical in doctrine to Orthodoxy.

35) That God has energies and essence

36) Jesus died a ransom sacrifice

37) Fast not far off half the days in every year!

38) Idols almost exclusively paintings

39) Theologoumena - unclear doctrine. (they invented a special word to remain in the fog)







7) Mary never died vs falling asleep (Assumption or Dormition)


8) Mary floated up to heaven (the assumption)


8) Mary never had original sin


9) Mary never sinned (then why call God her Saviour)


10)  Mary's mother - Catholicism


11) the conception of Christ (using or not using an ovum with original sin - various issues)









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