Eastern Orthodox "Powerhouses"
Quote from Eastern Orthodox believer: "Powerhouses would be essentially our modern philosophers and dogmatic theologians. These would include men like Jay Dyer, Fr Peter Heers, Fr. Deacon Ananias, people like that."
As an Evangelical I believe the old saying "the truth will out". Truth fights its own battles, but with God on its side as well all it requires from you is sincerity to win through. The thing is - do you posses it? As such I have no fear to put on this website a list of what various Orthodox believers call "powerhouse Orthodox preachers" as I do not fear bunk theology. Bad theology is like a house built on sand, at some point, it will fall over.
Here I will compile a list of the foremost Eastern Orthodox preachers, and show them all to be heretics in a particular way, one by one. This will not be tough as to do that all I need to do is prove them believers in all the lies and heresies of Eastern Orthodoxy.
1) civilian Jay Dyer .
2) pseudo-father Peter Heers .
3) pseudo-deacon Dcn Ananias .
4) pseudo-father Josiah Trenham .
Standing firmly on the fact that though homosexuality may well be legal (along with abortion, fornication and adultery) that does not mean it is not a sin. Kudos to Trenham for that. But here we meet the "honey and poison principle", that is there is actually some truth in all world religions, that is what keeps them deceived. Putin stands against homosexuality, but he has an agenda to try to justify war via western decadence, and similarly pseudo-father Josiah Trenham has an agenda to stand firmly on this area of bible morality, in order to seduce you into having your own shrine of Orthodox idols (renamed icons - like Putin renames a war a special operation) and to bow the knee to a piece of bread called God by the Orthodox (pure blasphemy).
5) civilian Steven Christoforou -
6) Metropolitan Bishop Kallistos Ware.
A coward who compromised on gay marriages because he would not undergo harassment and persecution from the UK police force, over new draconian clamp downs on freedom of speech against the homosexual woke agenda. His main cunning crafty tactic was to make a straw man out of the simplicity of the Protestant Gospel found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Luke 24:44-48 and John 3:16, by instead reinventing it as one of what are called "models of the gospel" and then to refute the comparison as if it was the original. This was one of the most cunning examples of "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;" Ephesians 4:14 I have ever seen. He is now dead, and must meet his maker for his cowardice and devious heresies.
A comparison with the gospel (model) will always fail, as it is not the gospel itself, in the same way a parable is never identical to actual events, like a scythe cutting down wheat is not literally angels picking people up. If you want to try to refute the Protestant gospel, try to refute these two statements:
1) Christ died for our sins .
2) Christ was resurrected for our justification.
That is the actual Gospel .
7) pseudo-father Nathanael Kapner .
8) David Erhan ,
9) Hank Hanegraaff . Hendrik "Hank" Hanegraaff, also known as the "Bible Answer Man", is an American Christian author and radio talk-show host. Formerly an evangelical Protestant, he joined the Eastern Orthodox Church in 2017 .
10) Patriarch Kiril - the main man to the Russians . total heretic .