(under construction - a long subject - because Orthodoxy has killed so many people, even though the new law of Jesus is radically different than that of Moses, banning killing, and teaching a Love and Peace message)
QUOTE: "Bishop Odo of Bayeux, William's (the Bastard or Conquerer) half-brother and second in command. fought in the Battle of Hastings using a mace in order to prevent the spilling of Christian blood." Seems they had a guilt complex about not obeying the real teachings of Jesus that killing is a sin in the new covenant.
Galatians 4 is about Israel and the MASSIVE change in strategy by God. The Jews by rejecting the new covenant became part of Hagar (read the chapter) and want to defend physical Israel with violence. It says there true believers (pacifist Sarah) are pilgrims on a journey to the Jerusalem above, and this is the fulfilled "Feast of Tabernacles" as Calvary was the fulfilled PasIsrael.sover, that is kept now by "sincerity" it says so, not by some old feast day rituals.
First Crusade: Battle of Dorylaeum 1097 ADFirst Crusade: Siege of Antioch 1098 ADFirst Crusade: The Siege of Jerusalem....... also....
Also, Constantine the Great was given the role of primus inter pares.
Guibert de Nogent (c. 1055–1124) was a Benedictine historian, theologian .... was before Aquinas
Abortion, the pill, divorce
St. Theodosius :
St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves said, Christians must “Love your enemies, but only your personal enemies, not the enemies of God."
Saint Olga was a Regent of Kievan Rus' for her son Svyatoslav from 945 AD until 960 AD. She is known for her annihilation of the Drevlians, a tribe that had killed her husband Igor of Kiev, and for her efforts to spread Christianity.
The maker of this website believes that Jesus banned Christians partaking in war by killing, and capital punishment, and that abortion and suicide are also sins. You may say what about some of these things being clearly allowed in the old testament? Here is the explanation.
Before Noah Cain killed his brother Abel but he was not executed for his crime as people would be under the later law of Moses. One of the reasons the inhabitants of the ancient world were destroyed in the Flood of Noah was "The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth." Genesis 6:11-13. So God destroyed all living people except Noah and his family, and after this God instituted Governments on the earth as that is better than the evil of total anarchy. This does not mean that all governments are righteous, it means that the extremes of anarchy and violence were so bad before the flood God did away with them. It is my belief that the slowly rising waters of the flood gave the adults time to repent. I also believe that the most likely explanation of what happens to babies and children who die is that they will be resurrected in the Millennium to be ruled over by Jesus and later tested just as we are.
In the law of Moses it was clearly stated that killing in a war was permitted, and capital punishment was also used. The violence used and allowed by God under Moses old Law was extreme. It is even argued Genocide, or something apparently similar (Deuteronomy 7) was directed by God. At first this seems a total shock to our minds, but this is probably because certain nations had demonic religious rites like "passing children through the fire to Molech" or in other words burning babies alive in sacrifice to demons, which was their way of committing fornication and disposing of the unwanted babies created by this. Such horrific practices had to be stopped by God one way or another.
The people of the ancient world were all tribalistic, and each claimed to have the mightiest gods, so God called Israel to witness to the nations that their God, the one true God, the Lord God Almighty was mighty, and the only true God. God did not choose out Israel as a nation for singular salvation he chose them as a witness to the nations. For instance the biggest revival in human history happened in the formerly pagan city of Nineveh, and the biggest act of evangelism may perhaps have been the message Nebuchadnezzar sent out to the whole world to honour the God of Daniel after him seeing the incredible miracles done through Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Even before Moses the whole world learned of the greatness of God through the witness of Joseph, being used by the interpretation of dreams to save millions from starvation. In fact when Moses went through the Red Sea they went through with a "mixed multitude" who had been converted to follow God through seeing the miracles of the ten plagues of Egypt. See?
Thus God showed himself to the nations as a very powerful God not to be taken lightly, showing power in a world without the police forces we have today, by draconian measures against sin, that is stoning to death, burning (two old testament sins had burning as the punishment), even chopping of hands, and war was allowed.
The teachings of Jesus however were very different. Jesus banned war for the saints, and said no one can stone other people to death as the criteria is you are not without sin so cannot "cast the first stone". Jesus said "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." John 18:36. Galatians 4 explains that this is because Christians are now pilgrims on the Earth travelling toward Heavenly New Jerusalem above, not physical Jerusalem below. The few scriptures that spiritually blind people say allow war, like Peter having a sword in Gethsemane, are easily explained as misunderstood. As soon as Peter used the sword Jesus gave one of the most famous pacifist verses ever spoken, "Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." he also tells us
"If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints." The new revolutionary "Love and Peace" teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount still stand.
You may reply, "What about Romans 13?" Romans 13 is one of the most misunderstood chapters in the bible. It says God will use Governments to achieve good things, like stopping "drunken rioting" (verse 13). He does not declare those governments to be righteous. It is similar to Isaiah 10: 5-6 "O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation. I will send him against an hypocritical nation......... " then after using the Assyrian to smite Israel, the Assyrian boast they did it in their own power, so God smites them, saying "Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood." Isaiah 10:15. If my memory serves me correctly, God smote them by using a single angel to smite 185,000 Assyrians in one night.
The use of an angel to kill brings up two other commonly used tricks killer Christians use to deceive people into not loving their enemies, as Stephen did in Acts 7. The angels kill, so why not us? The Angels are separate from the things of this temporal fleshly age on earth, they never marry for instance, so how can marriage laws apply to them. In a similar way Jesus came to Earth to show us the way here, that does not prevent him taking his place as God the Judge over Earth now, as its written "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:" 1 Peter 2:22-24.
The imitation of Jesus brings us to the obvious fact, that there was no Samson in the Early Church killing 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass. No David killing a Goliath, No Jonathan fighting against a whole army all on his own. No Gideon slaying vast numbers with but a few. No Generals, Commanders, no evidence of Christians forming into armies to defeat the Romans. The early church were persecuted, murdered, hunted and tormented, but gave love for evil, and followed the commands of Jesus proven by the fact there is no history of them waging war, and stories of great bloodshed victories. That defilement of the Faith was introduced by the butcher Constantine the Great, that the Orthodox Church has made into a saint, when he was no saint at all, but defiled the heavenly vision of peaceful loving Pilgrims making their way to Spiritual Jerusalem, by binding a false church and the state together, forming the Purple and Scarlet of the Whore of Babylon (secular and religious power). If you know the scriptures well enough to see this, and have a relationship with God strong enough to know the Holy Spirit is leading us to love our enemies at all times, never killing to defend ourselves, you will see the following doctrines, teachings and examples of war, murder and capital punishment of Eastern Orthodox Christianity show that she is indeed a false church, not spiritual enough to follow the straight and narrow path Jesus told us to follow.
The Governments have been placed there for God to use. There is nothing wrong with contacting the police if you are attacked. These teachings are not impractical, or hypocritical. God is more in charge than you think. But the way of Jesus is Love and Peace not Bombs and War, and if you know him you know that God is Love is real.
if we can execute people, why is there no new covenant law on witnesses against people?
According to this documentary from BBC 4 "The Normans 3 - The Normans of the South (2010) " ( ) (36th minute) Tancred was concerned the 1st Crusade and warfare violated Christ's command to "turn the other cheek", but the Pope sent a letter from Claremont "reassuring him". Tancred would have done better believing the word of God that he himself had quoted. Later Tancreds attack descended into pure slaughter.
I dont think killers are saved, that is who have killed others without repenting, and that there is no promise of salvation to those who corrupt their white garments by preaching what is murder in new covenant law, If God wants to save some by an unpromised mercy, as he sees deeper into their hearts and know they would be corrected, that is by his divine authority and judgement. In the meantime I believe that fact does not give me the right to pronounce people believing in the heresy of war as being saved. Sometimes the bravest thing of all is to die loving, not kill fighting.
1) Killing in wars. They believe Christians can kill in wars, as in the first and second World Wars. For instance Russian Orthodox priests blessing Russian arms is an ancient tradition.
2) Capital punishment. They justify capital punishment (but are against abortion).
3) The Orthodox Church has it own versions of "The Holy Inquisition" in periods of its history.
4) Greek Orthodoxy and the early Crusades.
5) Killer so called "saints"
6) Apparently Orthodoxy has not been heavily involved in witch burning.
7) Abortion - no (wow I saw a bit of evidence they allow abortion!)
The Trebniki/Euchologia of Orthodox Churches contain Prayers for the Blessing of Weapons.
These are ancient Services which have been used throughout the hiostory of Orthodoxy. The use of the "swords" and "sabres" demonstrates that the blessing of weapons by the Church is of ancient origin and is a long established Orthodox custom.
The Bishop or Priest comes out of the Altar to a table before the Amvon on which the weapons are placed, and he censes the weapons crosswise while the Reader begins as is common::
Reader: O Heavenly King, Trisagion,etc....Psalm 35. Alleluia.
Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord:
The Bishop or Priest reads this prayer over the weapons::
O Lord our God, God of Power and Might, powerful in strength, strong in battle, You once gave miraculous strength to Your child David granting him victory over his opponent the blasphemer Goliath. Mercifully accept our humble prayer. Send Your heavenly blessing upon these weapons (..naming each weapon..). Give to them power and strength that they may protect Your holy Church, the poor and the widows, and Your holy inheritance on earth, and make them horrible and terrible to any enemy army, and grant victory to Your people for your glory, for You are our strength and protection and unto You do we send up praise and glory, to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Then the Priest sprinkles blessed water on the weapons saying::
Let the blessing of the Tri-une God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, come down on and remain upon these weapons and those who carry them, for the protection of the truth of Christ. Amen.
After this the soldiers carrying the weapons are blessed, with the prayer:
Be brave and let your heart be stronger and win victory over your enemies, trusting in God, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
After this each soldier kisses the honourable cross.
This is the way to bless sword and sabre. If there is only one sword to be blessed, or only one sabre, he says only once: this sword, or: this weapon. If there are many, he says: bless these swords, or: bless these weapons.
First Crusade: Battle of Dorylaeum 1097 ADFirst Crusade: Siege of Antioch 1098 ADFirst Crusade: The Siege of Jerusalem....... also....
Also, Constantine the Great was given the role of primus inter pares.
Guibert de Nogent (c. 1055–1124) was a Benedictine historian, theologian .... was before Aquinas
Abortion, the pill, divorce
St. Theodosius :
St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves said, Christians must “Love your enemies, but only your personal enemies, not the enemies of God."
Saint Olga was a Regent of Kievan Rus' for her son Svyatoslav from 945 AD until 960 AD. She is known for her annihilation of the Drevlians, a tribe that had killed her husband Igor of Kiev, and for her efforts to spread Christianity.
The maker of this website believes that Jesus banned Christians partaking in war by killing, and capital punishment, and that abortion and suicide are also sins. You may say what about some of these things being clearly allowed in the old testament? Here is the explanation.
Before Noah Cain killed his brother Abel but he was not executed for his crime as people would be under the later law of Moses. One of the reasons the inhabitants of the ancient world were destroyed in the Flood of Noah was "The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth." Genesis 6:11-13. So God destroyed all living people except Noah and his family, and after this God instituted Governments on the earth as that is better than the evil of total anarchy. This does not mean that all governments are righteous, it means that the extremes of anarchy and violence were so bad before the flood God did away with them. It is my belief that the slowly rising waters of the flood gave the adults time to repent. I also believe that the most likely explanation of what happens to babies and children who die is that they will be resurrected in the Millennium to be ruled over by Jesus and later tested just as we are.
In the law of Moses it was clearly stated that killing in a war was permitted, and capital punishment was also used. The violence used and allowed by God under Moses old Law was extreme. It is even argued Genocide, or something apparently similar (Deuteronomy 7) was directed by God. At first this seems a total shock to our minds, but this is probably because certain nations had demonic religious rites like "passing children through the fire to Molech" or in other words burning babies alive in sacrifice to demons, which was their way of committing fornication and disposing of the unwanted babies created by this. Such horrific practices had to be stopped by God one way or another.
The people of the ancient world were all tribalistic, and each claimed to have the mightiest gods, so God called Israel to witness to the nations that their God, the one true God, the Lord God Almighty was mighty, and the only true God. God did not choose out Israel as a nation for singular salvation he chose them as a witness to the nations. For instance the biggest revival in human history happened in the formerly pagan city of Nineveh, and the biggest act of evangelism may perhaps have been the message Nebuchadnezzar sent out to the whole world to honour the God of Daniel after him seeing the incredible miracles done through Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Even before Moses the whole world learned of the greatness of God through the witness of Joseph, being used by the interpretation of dreams to save millions from starvation. In fact when Moses went through the Red Sea they went through with a "mixed multitude" who had been converted to follow God through seeing the miracles of the ten plagues of Egypt. See?
Thus God showed himself to the nations as a very powerful God not to be taken lightly, showing power in a world without the police forces we have today, by draconian measures against sin, that is stoning to death, burning (two old testament sins had burning as the punishment), even chopping of hands, and war was allowed.
The teachings of Jesus however were very different. Jesus banned war for the saints, and said no one can stone other people to death as the criteria is you are not without sin so cannot "cast the first stone". Jesus said "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." John 18:36. Galatians 4 explains that this is because Christians are now pilgrims on the Earth travelling toward Heavenly New Jerusalem above, not physical Jerusalem below. The few scriptures that spiritually blind people say allow war, like Peter having a sword in Gethsemane, are easily explained as misunderstood. As soon as Peter used the sword Jesus gave one of the most famous pacifist verses ever spoken, "Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." he also tells us
"If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints." The new revolutionary "Love and Peace" teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount still stand.
You may reply, "What about Romans 13?" Romans 13 is one of the most misunderstood chapters in the bible. It says God will use Governments to achieve good things, like stopping "drunken rioting" (verse 13). He does not declare those governments to be righteous. It is similar to Isaiah 10: 5-6 "O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation. I will send him against an hypocritical nation......... " then after using the Assyrian to smite Israel, the Assyrian boast they did it in their own power, so God smites them, saying "Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood." Isaiah 10:15. If my memory serves me correctly, God smote them by using a single angel to smite 185,000 Assyrians in one night.
The use of an angel to kill brings up two other commonly used tricks killer Christians use to deceive people into not loving their enemies, as Stephen did in Acts 7. The angels kill, so why not us? The Angels are separate from the things of this temporal fleshly age on earth, they never marry for instance, so how can marriage laws apply to them. In a similar way Jesus came to Earth to show us the way here, that does not prevent him taking his place as God the Judge over Earth now, as its written "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:" 1 Peter 2:22-24.
The imitation of Jesus brings us to the obvious fact, that there was no Samson in the Early Church killing 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass. No David killing a Goliath, No Jonathan fighting against a whole army all on his own. No Gideon slaying vast numbers with but a few. No Generals, Commanders, no evidence of Christians forming into armies to defeat the Romans. The early church were persecuted, murdered, hunted and tormented, but gave love for evil, and followed the commands of Jesus proven by the fact there is no history of them waging war, and stories of great bloodshed victories. That defilement of the Faith was introduced by the butcher Constantine the Great, that the Orthodox Church has made into a saint, when he was no saint at all, but defiled the heavenly vision of peaceful loving Pilgrims making their way to Spiritual Jerusalem, by binding a false church and the state together, forming the Purple and Scarlet of the Whore of Babylon (secular and religious power). If you know the scriptures well enough to see this, and have a relationship with God strong enough to know the Holy Spirit is leading us to love our enemies at all times, never killing to defend ourselves, you will see the following doctrines, teachings and examples of war, murder and capital punishment of Eastern Orthodox Christianity show that she is indeed a false church, not spiritual enough to follow the straight and narrow path Jesus told us to follow.
The Governments have been placed there for God to use. There is nothing wrong with contacting the police if you are attacked. These teachings are not impractical, or hypocritical. God is more in charge than you think. But the way of Jesus is Love and Peace not Bombs and War, and if you know him you know that God is Love is real.
According to this documentary from BBC 4 "The Normans 3 - The Normans of the South (2010) " ( ) (36th minute) Tancred was concerned the 1st Crusade and warfare violated Christ's command to "turn the other cheek", but the Pope sent a letter from Claremont "reassuring him". Tancred would have done better believing the word of God that he himself had quoted. Later Tancreds attack descended into pure slaughter.
I dont think killers are saved, that is who have killed others without repenting, and that there is no promise of salvation to those who corrupt their white garments by preaching what is murder in new covenant law, If God wants to save some by an unpromised mercy, as he sees deeper into their hearts and know they would be corrected, that is by his divine authority and judgement. In the meantime I believe that fact does not give me the right to pronounce people believing in the heresy of war as being saved. Sometimes the bravest thing of all is to die loving, not kill fighting.
1) Killing in wars. They believe Christians can kill in wars, as in the first and second World Wars. For instance Russian Orthodox priests blessing Russian arms is an ancient tradition.
2) Capital punishment. They justify capital punishment (but are against abortion).
3) The Orthodox Church has it own versions of "The Holy Inquisition" in periods of its history.
4) Greek Orthodoxy and the early Crusades.
5) Killer so called "saints"
6) Apparently Orthodoxy has not been heavily involved in witch burning.
7) Abortion - no (wow I saw a bit of evidence they allow abortion!)
The Trebniki/Euchologia of Orthodox Churches contain Prayers for the Blessing of Weapons.
These are ancient Services which have been used throughout the hiostory of Orthodoxy. The use of the "swords" and "sabres" demonstrates that the blessing of weapons by the Church is of ancient origin and is a long established Orthodox custom.
The Bishop or Priest comes out of the Altar to a table before the Amvon on which the weapons are placed, and he censes the weapons crosswise while the Reader begins as is common::
Reader: O Heavenly King, Trisagion,etc....Psalm 35. Alleluia.
Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord:
The Bishop or Priest reads this prayer over the weapons::
O Lord our God, God of Power and Might, powerful in strength, strong in battle, You once gave miraculous strength to Your child David granting him victory over his opponent the blasphemer Goliath. Mercifully accept our humble prayer. Send Your heavenly blessing upon these weapons (..naming each weapon..). Give to them power and strength that they may protect Your holy Church, the poor and the widows, and Your holy inheritance on earth, and make them horrible and terrible to any enemy army, and grant victory to Your people for your glory, for You are our strength and protection and unto You do we send up praise and glory, to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Then the Priest sprinkles blessed water on the weapons saying::
Let the blessing of the Tri-une God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, come down on and remain upon these weapons and those who carry them, for the protection of the truth of Christ. Amen.
After this the soldiers carrying the weapons are blessed, with the prayer:
Be brave and let your heart be stronger and win victory over your enemies, trusting in God, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
After this each soldier kisses the honourable cross.
This is the way to bless sword and sabre. If there is only one sword to be blessed, or only one sabre, he says only once: this sword, or: this weapon. If there are many, he says: bless these swords, or: bless these weapons.
Saint Alexander Perevest:
a soldier monk, participates in the battle of Kulikovo (60,000 Russian Orthodox Christians confront 165,000 Tatar Muslims) .A former soldier full of remorse for his life of violence, he becomes a monk.When the Tatar Muslim settlers get ready To destroy the revolted Russian Christians he asks himself the question of his commitment, he who had promised himself not to fight anymore.Saint Serge said to him "there is no greater love for any man than to give his life for his friends (John 15:13) You will not fight with pride, thirst for violence as before but to defend, preserve life. This difference allows you to fight "Before the battle to the general surprise he beats in duel the terrible Tatar champion With faith in God as David against Goliath, sacrificing his life. This gives hope to the Christians who will be victorious
In 987, Bardas Sclerus and Bardas Phocas revolted against the Byzantine emperor Basil II. Both rebels briefly joined forces, but then Bardas Phocas proclaimed himself emperor on 14 September 987. Basil II turned to the Kievan Rus' for assistance, even though they were considered enemies at that time. Vladimir agreed, in exchange for a marital tie; he also agreed to accept Christianity as his religion and to Christianize his people. When the wedding arrangements were settled, Vladimir dispatched 6,000 troops to the Byzantine Empire, and they helped to put down the revolt.[24]
In 988 and 991, he baptized Pecheneg princes Metiga and Kuchug, respectively.[25]
Vladimir then formed a great council out of his boyars and set his twelve sons over his subject principalities. According to the Primary Chronicle, he founded the city of Belgorod in 991. In 992 he went on a campaign against the Croats, most likely the White Croats that lived on the border of modern Ukraine. This campaign was cut short by the attacks of the Pechenegs on and around Kiev.
In his later years he lived in a relative peace with his other neighbors: Boleslav I of Poland, Stephen I of Hungary, and Andrikh the Czech (questionable character mentioned in A Tale of the Bygone Years). After Anna's death, he married again, likely to a granddaughter of Otto the Great.
In 1014 his son Yaroslav the Wise stopped paying tribute. Vladimir decided to chastise the insolence of his son and began gathering troops against him. Vladimir fell ill, however, most likely of old age, and died at Berestov
The rules of Just War by Thomas Aquinas
The Crusades
The Holy Inquisition
A history of Executions by capital punishment
The Witch burnings
Heretic burnings
malleus maleficarum
Spanish Armada
Orthodox theologians say that the first 3 centuries of the Christian Faith was marked by terrible persecutions. This went on for hundreds of years, yet there is no history of Christians putting together an army and fighting back. Neither is it found in the new testament. There is no new testament equivalent of a Christian Samson slaying a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. No Jonathan fighting an army on his own. No David slaying a Goliath. No Gideon winning a huge battle with only a few hand picked men. No...... the early church was non violent, just as the teachings of Jesus said. He instructed Christians to flee persecution in the mountains, not form an army and fight. Galatians 4 tells us to forsake the concept of physical war defending holy cities, and to make our Pilgrim journey toward Heavenly Jerusalem instead. It was only centuries later the lax Christians decided to trade in Jesus and his Love and Peace teachings for Emperor Constantine, just as the Jews traded him in for Barabbas. It was an easy betrayal for the Greeks to do, besotted as they are to this day with Alexander the Great.
The most authoritative and up-to-date expression of just war doctrine is found in paragraph 2309 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It says:
The strict conditions for legitimate defense by military force require rigorous consideration. The gravity of such a decision makes it subject to rigorous conditions of moral legitimacy. At one and the same time:
the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations must be lasting, grave, and certain;
all other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective;
there must be serious prospects of success;
the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated. The power of modern means of destruction weighs very heavily in evaluating this condition.
These are the traditional elements enumerated in what is called the "just war" doctrine. The evaluation of these conditions for moral legitimacy belongs to the prudential judgment of those who have responsibility for the common good.
In the Divine Liturgy of John Chrystostom, we pray for the armed forces and Civil authorities....that they may be granted victory over every enemy and adversary. Clearly, prayer is being given to those who fight in conflicts which include death. At the time this Liturgy was written, Church and State were in union with their decision making.
Angels are used to kill, but usually in the new covenant it is by miraculous means. They do it in acts. They are not earth bound beings, they dont marry for instance. So the fact there is war in heaven does not mean we can kill. In the war in heaven also was an expulsion, not killings. I am saying that Romans 13 does not say the government is righteous, is used by God. Its similar to Isaiah 10: where the Assyrian is used to smite Israel, then God smites them. After the flood (before the flood there was anarchy) God instituted governments as its better than anarchy. The end of Rom 13 states they stop rioting and drunken revelling etc. The believer however in the new covenant is forbidden to kill. Thats my belief.
The Spanish Armada was destroyed by PRAYER. God destroyed it. With tides, wind, rain, lightning bolts and storms.
Sins of the Whore of Babylon
The Catholics think the Popes are "infallible in doctrine" after the Holy Inquisition, the Crusades, the Conquistadors, the Spanish Armada, the Massacre of St Bartholomew (and its celebration medal) the persecution of the Lollards, the massacre of the Cathars, the Hammer of the Witches, the Aquinas Rules of Just War, and even the butchery of the Knights Templar.
"And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth."
The proof on Orthodoxy in war is in their Catechism
and in the Orthodox Canons
Pope Innocent III and Pope Gregory IX (1200) considered abortion to be homicide only when the fetus is "formed".[
Pope Sixtus V (1588), declared contraception and abortion at any stage of pregnancy, whether the fetus was "animated or not animated, formed or unformed," to be homicide and a mortal sin.
Pope Gregory XIV (1591) revoked the previous Papal bull and reinstated the "quickening" test (the perception by a mother that the fetus moves/is animated) which he determined happened 116 days into pregnancy.
Pope Pius IX (1869) dropped the distinction between the "fetus animatus" and "fetus inanimatus" saying that the soul enters the embryo at conception.