That Eastern Orthodoxy is not split into hundreds, and yes even thousands, of different churches like Protestant ones, is partly true and partly false. Protestants believe there is only ONE church, and that is all the born again believers, but that doctrine matters, and thus denominations within the church are of great significance. Whereas Orthodoxy says there is one church, instead based on their set of man made traditions passed off as instituted by God, but that (very significant) doctrines do not matter, thus it is still all one church. So if a Tsar of Russia is a saint or not, or Putin is or is not really Orthodox, or Rasputin, does not stop you being truly Orthodox despite the fact that the doctrinal implications are totally massive. Similarly if divorce and remarriage is allowed its not a big deal to them. What I am saying is that in reality Orthodoxy just like Protestantism is full of thousands of churches, doctrinally disagreeing with each other a great deal, as do individuals.
Some things in Orthodoxy are presented as Schisms, but when one side or both declare each other anathema, or that they "have graceless sacraments" or that the other side has "no authority to baptize or marry people" etc, its presentation as a schism is false, really you have two groups claiming to be two very different churches. Right? The reason the Orthodox will not accept that reality is that if they do Protestantism will jump into second place as the world's biggest Faiths claiming to be Christian.
The Orthodox Church loves to repeatedly say that there are many major Protestant denominations, but they have one church going back to Christ. As you will see from this section on Schisms the Orthodox Church has plenty of schisms, resulting in what are in reality denominations, indeed different churches altogether, and beside this both the Protestant and / or Evangelical churches almost all hold the same belief, that there is one church that is defined as "all the born again believers". The Orthodox are therefore spinning a web of lies, including the lie their idol, ritual and rite infested false church goes all the way back to Jesus, who warned us clearly never to believe in traditions that contradict the word of God.