TOP 20 . Mariolatry .
11) Mary gives grace to believers for salvation. .
12) Mary is a mediator between God and man.
13) They Pray to Mary . an act of worship.
14) They say Mary can hear millions of prayers and answer them,
16) Theotokos = Mother of God to many .
18) Mary never had "original sin", and was sinless.
19) The perpetual virginity of Mary.
20) That Mary is the Queen of Heaven.
TOP 20.
21) The Divine Liturgy - the chanting of a mixture of truth and heresy. This is always bound up in the separate sin of metousiosis, or holy cannibalism. This ritualistic chanting is used to bewitch the audience into accepting heresy as it is chanted and therefore is seen as becoming somehow therefore religious truth. I trace its origin as a warped counterfeit of the Song of Solomon, that is the dialogue between Christ and his bride, and that this proves it is part of a process of religious seduction, as Christ is replaced by a priesthood of evil who are trying to seduce any and all listeners (on the contrary) into not being part of Christ's bride..
For centuries the Orthodox claim a liturgy was in Greek only (so far as my research presently goes) Greek, yet many Catholics say it was only in Latin (perhaps one the two sides of the Empire?). Since the 9th century Slavonic has been a Liturgical language as well, then in the 17th century, Romanian was added. In the 19th century Alaskan languages. Today you can find Liturgy in English, Spanish, and other languages - depending on the community a church is serving. But do most of the Eastern Orthodox recognize a Latin Liturgy, and if so, since what date? Doesn't this change mean they are admitting for at least 9 Centuries they were limiting something wrongly to one or two languages at least (from their perspective) keeping the general populous ignorant of the words.
note: the liturgy is not only linked inexorably to the blasphemy of epiklesis and metousiosis, but also to icons and the multiplication of rites, rituals.
22) Born Again wrongly defined:
saying you are only born again or regenerated through baptism is priestcraft salvation, a co Saviour is created, plus you become co saviour through your obedience. The water in John 3:5 is explained in John 4, it is the living water of the Holy Spirit.
"But do thou, O Master of all, show this water to be the water of redemption, the water of sanctification, the purification of flesh and spirit, the loosing of bonds, the remission of sins, the illumination of the soul, the laver of regeneration, the renewal of the Spirit, the gift of adoption to sonship, the garment of incorruption, the fountain of life. For thou hast said, O Lord: Wash ye, be ye clean; put away evil things from your souls. Thou hast bestowed upon us from on high a new birth through water and the Spirit." (Hapgood ed., p. 278)
O Master, Lord our God, who through the Font bestowest heavenly Illumination upon them that are baptized; who has regenerated thy newly-baptized servant by water and the Spirit, and hast granted unto him (her) remission of his (her) sins…. (Hapgood, p. 283)
Born again Christians say we need to be "born again" as we have an old nature to do evil, described as a heart of stone in the prophecy about being born again. The Orthodox believe in "ancestral sin" a Pelagian or Semi Pelagian view at best, and that in any event Jesus reconciled man to himself through the hypostatic union, in which case why be reborn?
23) That Orthodoxy is even a church - to be a church the people in it must be born again, and a church must believe the true one and only "gospel by which we are saved". They do not:
Defining the true church as Heterodoxy.
24) The Orthodox Church is Infallible.
The Mother Church. sacerdotal Orthodox. That she alone has kept the true Christian faith, complete and unaltered (dumb - infallible heresy).
25) That salvation is found only in Orthodoxy:
26) The Orthodox Church is nothing like the original church.
27) The Titular Head - the Orthodox Pope.
28) They believe in killing in wars. (separate heresy on not explaining John 8:7)
29) They have a sacreligious attitude toward the Holy Ghost.
They fearlessly and cynically use the name of the Holy Ghost in man-made rites such as Epiklesis, and involve his holy name in almost every heresy they preach, by the repeated use of the Trinitarian formula coupled with the sign of the cross, and have a blasé attitude about their shocking sacrilege.
30) They deny Sola Scriptura. - adding to
1) The Bible (but can only be interpreted within Eastern Orthodox church life)
these -
2) Liturgical life and prayer
3) Church council dogmas
4) Writings of the fathers
5) Lives of the saints
6) Canon Laws
7) Iconic Traditions
8) Creative expression - music (banned in church) architecture etc (laws about architecture include only bishops may enter through the center doors of the sanctuary, and "the laity" must be blessed to even enter)
this means they have the twin sister heresy
Sola Orthodox Church interpretation of the bible. (not an individual in his personal relationship with God)
31) Confessional and forgiveness of sins only in the presence of priests.
32) Penances - handed out by priests.
33) Epiklesis - is a different thing than metousiosis (the Orthodox version of transubstantiation) but is always connected to it. It is the invocation of the Holy Ghost to partake in the witchcraft of the blasphemy of the mass.
34) Priests forgive sins :
Eastern Orthodox Prayer of Absolution:
May our Lord and God Jesus Christ, through the grace and bounties of His love towards mankind, forgive thee, my child, N., all they transgressions. And I, His unworthy priest, through the power given unto me by Him do forgive and absolve thee from all they sins, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
This is sometimes said to the whole congregation
35) Prayer of Absolution for the dead:
quote: "this my spiritual child, N., is absolved, through me, unworthy though I be, from all things wherein, as mortal, he (she) hath sinned against God, whether in word, or deed, or thought, and with all his (her) senses, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, whether wittingly or through ignorance....etc"
important note: the Orthodox give absolution to unconscious dying people, but say it is only of effect if they were of a previous mind to partake in the blasphemy of the Orthodox style mass and sacraments in general (where "grace" is supposedly transmitted through priests and priestcraft) and if of a contrite heart or mind (their definition of which is to be willing to submit to all the religiously crazy traditions they have). BUT how does that fit in with Toll Houses (if you are intelligent enough to see that contradiction by them)?
36) They become "a Christ" in Chrismation!
(utter blasphemy) quote:
(Acts 1–2), the gift of the Spirit of God, in order to live the new life received in baptism. He is anointed, just as Christ the Messiah is the Anointed One of God. He becomes—as the fathers of the Church dared to put it—a ‘christ’ together with Jesus. Thus, through chrismation we become a ‘christ,’ a son of God,
11) That Orthodoxy is even a church
12) The Orthodox Church is Infallible.
"We do not believe that everything that anyone happened to say at an Ecumenical Council is infallible, but we most certainly do believe that the canons and decrees of the Ecumenical Councils are infallible, and this is because we believe that the Church as a whole, is infallible. Individual members, and even local Churches may err, but it is not possible for the entire Church to teach that which is erroneous—and Ecumenical Councils are certainly an example of what the Church as a whole teaches." orthochristian.com.
13) That salvation is found only in Orthodoxy: then they say (in the usual avalanche of Orthodox Oxymorons) "but we don;t want to judge as to who is or is not saved when people in other denominations die."
14) The Orthodox Church is nothing like the original new testament church
(and they are quite happy about that).
With their plethora of uniforms, crowns, icons, rites, rituals, ceremonies, traditions. liturgies, calendarizations, religion by rote, repeated prayers, priestcraft, and a thousand other proofs of churchianity instead of spirituality, Orthodoxy is entirely nothing like the new testament church. The merchants saved in Acts chapter 2 returned home to none of those things, but were still saved by faith in Christ alone having repented.
15) Orthodoxy has its own version of The Pope.
The Orthodox Pope figure is called The Titular Head, In typical Orthodox fashion, (who are world famous for their use of doublethink and sophist contradictions) they also call him The First among Equals, or Primus inter Pares. As a Pope figure the Titular Head of Orthodoxy is a comparatively anaemic authority figure compared to the Roman Catholic Pope, nevertheless someone claiming he is "The Head of the Church" is a very serious doctrinal matter.
The entire concept is heretical as scripture says clearly that Jesus is the Head of the Church - see Col 1:18. Some Protestants say the Eastern Orthodox church really have what amounts to 8 Pope figures.
16) They deny Sola Scriptura.
The true definition of sola scriptura might be best defined as "The belief that salvation is achieved solely through what is found in and described in scripture, without any involvement whatsoever in post new testament rites, rituals or traditions." Both Roman Catholics and the various Orthodox churches believe in traditions, rites, rituals and additions to the salvation process that directly contradict new covenant Scripture. Them denying sola scriptura was therefore inevitable, as they will not submit to the Word of God.
17) They have a sacreligious attitude toward the Holy Ghost .
18) They deny Sola Scriptura.
19) Confessional and forgiveness of sins only in the presence of priests.
Unlike Catholicism which provides an enclosed stall in which to confess sins to a priest, and be forgiven by the priest (called by them absolution), the Orthodox have an open area in the church. This involves two sins
1) The confessor sins by confessing sins to man not God, opening themselves up to emotional blackmail from being converted to the true Faith.
2) The priest sins by hearing confession, thinking he is empowered to forgive and give absolution from sin,
20) Penances.
This is considered a sacrament. That is heresy in itself. The OED defines this as "a religious observance or other duty required of a person by a priest as part of this sacrament to indicate repentance." One Orthodox priest said to me he gave a woman a penance to adopt a baby as she confessed she had had an abortion, another Orthodox believer immediately chided him for breaking the code of silence over confessed sin, though the victim of his penance remained ambiguous.
The Orthodox give penances probably less frequently than Catholics. They will also refuse a person communion for a time. Though linked to confession of sins, the dealing out, and performance, of penances is a separate form of sin and heresy. The Catholics have even changed the bible to pretend it is in God's word by altering bible verses to "do penance for the kingdom of God is at hand". (see Douay version)
Biblical repentance results in the fruit of the Spirit, and being washed, sanctified and justified, without the say so or intervention of a priest, or what amounts to capricious, arbitrary, inventive punishments of priests, or inventing your own.
18) They believe in killing and war.
The long history of Orthodoxy and war is well known, and long lists of wars and battles they have fought in are listed on this site (link - Killing). Killing in wars has been forbidden by Jesus in new and better covenant law, and believing he allowed or taught killing in wars is heresy, and "a work of the flesh". The history of Orthodoxy and war is one long bloodbath, and because Catholicism's history is even more savage is no vindication of their sin. Jesus taught love and peace, and only his "little flock" will ever understand and follow these teachings properly.
The stance on Orthodox involvement in capital punishment, for a whole variety of "convictions", including murder, and heresy, in an historical perspective is not in doubt. But as this has become a great social issue of our time both the Orthodox and (laughably) the Roman Catholics are trying to adopt a neutral doctrinal or even (in group areas of their religion) anti capital punishment social stances. In other words they are both trying to say "The church historically has no teaching on it." That really is rather pathetic. No teaching on killing people, after the butchery they have been involved in. If they ever hold an ecumenical council to create a new clear doctrine on killing, and declare killing others heresy, they will at the same time declare both their own churches historically as Empires pf Butchery. It shows the guilt complex both churches are developing over their long history of slaughter, murder, imprisonments and torture of God's people. They are implying the doctrine of Christ on war and capital punishment was and is that it is "optional".
..........No stand on Capital Punishment - quote "capital punishment has not been either fully accepted or condemned by the Church as a whole." (OCA). Sorry but this proves they are a fake church as to have no clear doctrine on a murder issue like that is doctrinal incompetence, and secondly can lead to unbiblical killing of people, as well as giving no moral examp[e to or historical repudiation to the butchery of Catholicism, who even stole land off women by executing them as witches. Essentially they are saying "we do not understand John 8:7". Why? Because they are fakes.
19) They believe in committing adultery by second marriage.
Eastern Orthodoxy is a sex cult. That after all would be what the Jezebel cult was in the Book of Revelation, if "fornication" referred to physical fornication. There are two ways the Orthodox Church propagate adultery:
1) The misinterpretation of the Greek word "porneia" in Matthew 5:32 to include post marital adultery. The context makes that impossible, as a person divorcing and remarrying (with all the legal divorce and remarriage paperwork) is still seen by God as committing continuous adultery in the second marriage, negating all possibility in context Jesus allowed divorce and remarriage for post marital adultery, as adultery is plainly not breaking the marriage bond. The word "porneia" means in context fornication as the KJV rightly translates, an example being a woman claiming she is a virgin, but is discovered to be covered in VD sores on the marriage bed, and confesses to fornication. The husband can both divorce her and remarry.
2) By the Orthodox thinking they can allow, sanction, "forgive" - call it what you will - a marriage to go ahead, or remain, when that person has divorced for lesser reasons (say incompatibility for instance) and remarried. They may even say openly the marriage is adultery, but that they are empowered to forgive / allow / sanction etc this second wedlock. Such a teaching is Antinomianst in character, and is therefore heretical (for the Antinomian heresy see Romans 3:8). It is like saying an abortionist is committing murder but they are empowered by God to allow him to continue in his job killing babies.
3) The reasons this adultery is allowed is quite simple - Empire building and money. They fear the divorcees will leave Orthodoxy (financially bad for the church) and not indoctrinate their children into Orthodoxy (bad for religious empire building).
20) The multiplying of religious rites.
By changing baptism and communion into instruments of "soul saving grace" in a process of salvation, early Nicolaitane heretics realised that warping the sacraments into "religious rites" falsely empowered their bogus concept of priests (versus Laity). Thus over the centuries these type of men invented and multiplied new rites that gave an even greater impression to peasants (made ignorant by keeping the word of God away from them) that what later expanded into "The Orthodox Priesthood" in part held the keys to their salvation. Thus modern Orthodoxy is strewn with a total avalanche of fanciful, counterfeit, religiously pretentious rites and rituals that amount to nothing less than pseudo-christianized witchcraft. (are these two really one topic?)
35) Eastern Orthodox Prayer of Absolution for the dead:
In the Eastern Orthodox Church the Prayer of Absolution is written out on a piece of paper. After the singing of Memory eternal at the end of an Orthodox funeral, the prayer is read by the bishop or priest presiding over the funeral, or by the deceased's spiritual father. He stands near the coffin and, facing the deceased, reads the prayer:
Our Lord Jesus Christ, by His divine grace, as also by the gift of the power vouchsafed unto His holy Disciples and Apostles, that they should bind and loose the sins of men: (For He said unto them: Receive ye the Holy Spirit: Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted; and whosesoever sins ye retain they are retained. And whatsoever ye shall bind or loose upon earth shall be bound or loosed also in heaven.) By that same power, also, transmitted unto us from them, this my spiritual child, N., is absolved, through me, unworthy though I be, from all things wherein, as mortal, he (she) hath sinned against God, whether in word, or deed, or thought, and with all his (her) senses, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, whether wittingly or through ignorance. If he (she) be under the ban or excommunication of a bishop, or of a Priest; or hath incurred the curse of his (her) father or mother; or hath fallen under his (her) own curse; or hath sinned by any oath; or hath been bound, as man, by any sins whatsoever, but hath repented him (her) thereof, with contrition of heart: he (she) is now absolved from all those faults and bonds. May all those things which have proceeded from the weakness of his (her) mortal nature be consigned to oblivion and be remitted unto him (her); Through His loving-kindness; through the prayers of our most holy, and blessed, and glorious Lady, the Mother of our Lord and ever-virgin Mary; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles and of all the Saints. Amen.
The paper is then rolled up and placed in the hand of the departed.
The Prayer of Absolution is understood as the means by which "the Church remits all the departed's transgressions, absolves him from all obligations, all pledges or oaths, and sends him off in peace into life everlasting."[2] However, as is clear from the text of the prayer, it is intended only to forgive those sins which the departed had repented of during his or her lifetime.
The reading of the Prayer of Absolution is a more recent practice and replaces the older (and shorter) Parting Prayer:[3]:392
May the Lord Jesus Christ our God, Who gave His divine commands to His holy Disciples and Apostles, that they should bind and loose the sins of the fallen (we, in turn, having received from them the right to do the same) pardon thee, O spiritual child, all thy deeds done amiss in this life, both voluntary and involuntary: Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Funerals of children :
The Prayer of Absolution is not read in the Funeral for a Child (a special funeral used for children under the age of seven), since such young children are not generally held to be morally responsible for their sins, but is replaced by the following prayer:
O Lord, Who guardest little children in this present life, and hast prepared for them in the life which is to come a spacious place, even Abraham's bosom, and angelic abodes brightly radiant which befit their purity, wherein the souls of the righteous dwell: Do Thou, the same Lord Christ, receive the soul of Thy servant, the child, N., with peace. For thou hast said: Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. For unto Thee are due all glory, honour and worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.[3]:433–4