PRIMUS INTER PARES: or first among equals, is a Latin phrase indicating that a person is the most senior of a group of people sharing the same rank or office. Usually, the role is considered a necessary inclusion in a system in which all parties are equal.
In the Orthodox Church, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople (currently His All-Holiness Bartholomew I) fulfils this role. Historically, the bishop of Rome was considered the first among equals of the pentarchy. The rising amount of power claimed by the pope, along with other factors, was the ecclesiological reason for the Great Schism. After the Schism, however, the role of first among equals fell to the patriarch of Constantinople.
hey have a kind of "Pope" figure called Primus Inter Pares - also called The Titular Head of the Orthodox Church.
There is some reason to believe that the schism with Rome was, behind the scenes, largely due almost entirely to Greece not wanting to see herself subjected to Rome, and in effect wanting her own Pope. Some think therefore it is more accurate to think of Eastern Orthodoxy country by country with its own Pope, their archbishops, and the Titular Head as a kind of chief Pope with reduced powers so as not to offend the other Pope figures.
Also, Constantine the Great was given the role of primus inter pares but for obviously different reasons.
And not only that, Eastern Orthodoxy is even further defiled by the mass murderer Constantine the Great as he founded Constantinople (it bears his name) and The "Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople" is supposed to have his special title because of that. This really make Eastern Orthodoxy defiled with blood to all those in the Spirit who know Jesus taught Love and Peace not war, murder or slaughter.
This issue shows they are not understanding the whole old testament law was nailed to the cross. They live in the shadow, not reality of Christ (Galatians)
see link
Beards and long hair
"How to Recognize the Holy Apostles in Icons"
in Orthodox Iconography Judas is almost always shown beardless, like John, Philip, and Thomas; thus, like them, he was perhaps still a teenager at the time he betrayed his Saviour.
This shows the doctrine Orthodoxy has that the clergy should grow beards, as if some OT law was still here with us. Judas is shown with no beard in icons, and with no "halo", but could that be not because he was supposed to be a teenager, but because they want to brand a Judas any man in the ministry with no beard?
So it's another Tradition John, Philip and Thomas were all teens when Jesus was incarnate on Earth? Sure you know that by Faith? How many traditions need to fail to prove trusting in traditions bogus over Gods Holy Word?
In the language of icons Judas, John, Philip and Thomas had no beards, as they were all teenagers (a tradition). This is heresy as the bible says "let him not be a novice". Teens and younger men in the Faith are not teachers, bishops or quote "elders". This is probably done as in the early days heretic churches used statues of gods and mythological figures and renamed saints and apostles after them, and converted heathen shrines into churches. As Orthodoxy has the unbiblical tradition of men in the ministry having long hair (1 Cor 11:14) and beards (OT) that meant they had to develop a false teaching these disciples must have been teenagers, even though it contradicts the criteria of ministers in the Faith.
catechumen |ˌkatɪˈkjuːmɛn|
a person who is receiving instruction in preparation for Christian baptism or confirmation.
• a young Christian preparing for confirmation.
This is a really big deal issue. You are rfused baptism until it becomes clear you are sufficiently indoctrinated. That is NOT a new testament practice. You are refused confirmation (to be part of the church) without making a choice against the Filioque for instance. Major heresy!
CANONISATION OF SAINTS: is a heresy, as all believers are saints (Romans 1:7). This is part of their deceptive power structure, that added "priests" to the list of ministries when it does not exist (see 1 Cor 12:28 & Eph 4:11-12)
The holy ones of the Orthodox Church have various customary saint titles with which they are commemorated on the Church Calendar and in divine services.
The following list explains the references:
Confessor: one who has suffered for the faith but not martyred outright
Hiero-confessor: one who has suffered for the faith, but not martyred, who is also a clergyman.
Enlightener of N. or Illuminator of N.: the saint who first brought the faith to a people or region, or who did major work of evangelization there
Equal-to-the-Apostles: one whose work greatly built up the Church, whether through direct missionary work or through assisting the Church's place in society
Fool-for-Christ: a saint known for his apparent, yet holy, insanity
God-bearer: one who bears God within himself and is aflame in heart with love for Him [1]
Great-martyr: one who was martyred for the faith and suffered torture
Hieromartyr: a martyr who is also a clergyman
Martyr: one who has died for the faith
Merciful: one known for charitable work, especially toward the poor
Myrrh-bearer: one of the women who were present at Christ's passion and went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus
Myrrh-streaming, Myrrh-gusher, or Myroblete: the relics of the saint exude holy and sweet-smelling (and often miraculous) oil
New-martyr: a martyr often bearing the same name as a more ancient martyr, but usually more recent in the Church's history
Passion-bearer: one who faced his death in a Christ-like manner
Protomartyr: the first martyr in a given region (in the case of Stephen the Protomartyr, the first martyr of the whole Church)
Right-believing: an epithet used for sainted secular rulers
Righteous: a holy person under the Old Covenant (Old Testament Israel) but also sometimes used for married saints of the New Covenant (the Church); righteous may also used as a translation for the Greek hosios, which is usually translated as "venerable."
Unmercenary: a saint who refused to take payment for healing
Venerable: a monastic saint
Venerable-martyr: a martyred monastic
Virgin-martyr: an unmarried, non-monastic, chaste female martyr
Wonderworker: a saint renowned for performing miracles, also called "miracle-worker"
connected to autocephaly:
A doctrine that each area must have one bishop only, in their official church power structure, but because of the ethnic propensity for races to meet together, a lot of bishops may exist. This is connected to another issue that some Greeks think the only true Orthodox are Greeks
is a very contentious issue in Eastern Orthodox churches
"The problem is that Orthodox dioceses (officially called "jurisdictions") in the Diaspora are superimposed on each other. The result is that there are usually several Orthodox bishops of different Orthodox churches in Diaspora cities. This situation violates the canonical principle of territoriality – that each city and province should have its own unique bishop."
Ethnophyletism is the belief that the Church needs to be racially/culturally based, a lot of the schismatics are Greek supremacists who believe you need to become Greek to become Orthodox.
CHURCHIANITY: - is connected to 1) purpose built Church buildings and 2) A bogus ministerial structure and "offices" or ministries. 3) Uniforms 4) Ritualism 5) Liturgicalism 6) Icons 7) Subjugation of the now newly invented "laity".
The word "church" as such does not actually appear in the Greek new testament, and as far as I am aware God did not command the building of synagogues in the old testament. It can be argued therefore that as the only evidence of believers assembling together in the new testament was in nature, such as by a river in the Book of Acts (God's Cathedral of nature) and in houses. the building of such places as so called churches and cathedrals is entirely unbiblical, and even another evidence that Orthodoxy is following after yet another tradition of the Pharisees.
Translating the word "assembly" as church is something more than an Anglicization, and is perhaps one of the few times the King James Version of the bible allows itself to translate a Greek word not just in an Anglicized fashion, but in a "churchianity" type fashion. It can certainly be argued that such a criticism is rather pedantic, however. An "assembly" of such a kind was of believers, and perhaps visitors, and as such was not just any assembly of people, but of the body of Christ the saints (we are all called to be saints - Romans 1). Thus a word signifying not just an assembly of people was chosen, but one signifying believers. However I do not think this argument holds true at all to call a building "a church" and this is not done in the new testament. Thus by subtle means religions like Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy has passed off as biblical the building of expensive, highly elaborate, and unbiblical buildings because of the misuse of the word "church". These buildings were the ancient equivalent of modern day "mega churches" only costing even more money, and with their gold and silver artifacts even more ostentatious and therefore affront to the needs of the poor. These buildings also became symbols of the tyrannical power these churches often wielded in society also.
MONKS, NUN'S AND MONASTERIES: all man made religion.
Mount Athos and Monasticism
Monasticism is a central part of the Orthodox faith. Mount Athos in north-eastern Greece is described as the centre of Orthodox monasticism. It is the only place in Greece completely dedicated to prayer and worship of God. For this reason, it is called the Holy Mountain.
Most monasteries are coenobitic: living a communal life. The peninsula is divided into twenty self-governed territories. Each territory consists of a major monastery and some other monastic establishments that surround it (cloisters, cells, cottages, seats, hermitages).
PRIESTS: This entire ministry is bogus, and is spiritualised in the new testament, along with sabbath, circumcision, and feast days.
Major heresy!
MORTIFICATION: Self-denial and corporal mortification. This has of course a biblical foundation, but becomes warped in Catholicism and Orthodoxy, to proportions similar to salvation via Purgatory, as if torture helps save the soul.
Different than Romanism.celibacy of the clergy (Romanism), Orthodoxy - refusing a priest to remarry if his wife dies, priest and deacon can only marry before ordination
Note the heresy of "the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes" described in the Book of Revelation is often thought to mean NICO = higher than, or conquering, LAITANES = the laity (lay people, as distinct from the clergy) thus seeing the sinful priest "cast" as higher than the congregation, and this is magnified by the wearing of uniforms.
they are "defrocked" if they discuss confessions and imposed penances with others
1) Bishops must be celibate, and priests and deacons cannot be married after ordination, only before. If a priest's wife dies he cannot remarry - source Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church.
someone suggested a subtle heresy, in addition to the Twelve Apostles, they believe in 70 more, to link this perhaps with the 70 elders in the OT, and thus try to link OT to NT apostolic succession in a subtle fashion?. Need to research this.
They call men Father in ways banned by Jesus.
no one is baptized and Chrismated into the Orthodox Church without first spending a good long time being educated regarding our beliefs and doctrines. The usual time period is about a year, but it can be far longer than that. It's an individual thing between priest and catechumen (student).
When the priest deems a person ready to be admitted into the church as a member, the beginning of the ceremony of baptism and Chrismation includes a verbal renunciation of Satan and all his works.
I believe this is what you are talking about as "exorcism" associated with baptism. It's not like you see in movies or documentaries..a priest casting out vicious demons. Rather, it's a willing renunciation of Satan, expressed by someone who is not possessed by Satan!
Called "an unbroken tradition of apostolic succession" because it is not in the new testament that a person gets a ministry in this way, it is the heresy that authority is passed on by the laying on of hands, and a spuriously defined "ordination" that has of course a plethora of man made rites attached to it. If one lays hands on a person to pray for them, that does not mean the authority of church ministry is passed on like a baton in a Greek marathon race, and that to prove you have a ministry in Christ in a city, you must produce what amounts to a spiritual family tree going back eventually to the Apostles. It sounds more like the transmission of a disease than the verification of authority. The bible forbids endless genealogies, which that would entail. Authority in Orthodoxy has successors of it, but there entire religion is one long list of heresies.
The problem is partly in the use of the word "bishop" in itself. This was anglicized in the KJV bible to an already existing concept. It means an overseer, not a Pharisee in a mitre and a uniform bedecked in icons and gold. As words in Greek like Hades and Theos are not legalistically set aside by God in the new testament Greek, some amount of freedom in translation is indicated. But the use of the word "bishop" in English as a translation of overseer is somewhat controversial, as is the over simplified use of the already existing English word Hell.
The OED states
apostolic succession
(in Christian thought) the uninterrupted transmission of spiritual authority from the Apostles through successive popes and bishops, taught by the Roman Catholic Church but denied by most Protestant.
All Christians went through mass persecution before Constantine, We rejected Constantine, and your type of sacerdotalist heretics forced us into hiding. The Dark Ages then followed, where your claim history records what happened is clear nonsense, the murders that happened in the Inquisition are kept secret by the Catholics. The Orthodox ignore pre Reformation Protestants like the Lollards. Then the Reformation. Early Reformation the Catholics mass murdered the pacifist anabaptists in the Massacre of St Bartholomew's Day (proving why early Christians had to hide from you guys).
as the true faith does no idols and other archaeological evidence, and hid (often under the Ichthus symbol) its not recorded the exact numbers who survived in hiding, so thats tough for me to say. God partly confirms this at the end of Rev 18, by refusing to put an approximate number of those slain by Catholics and her daughters Orthodoxy, just "all those slain upon the Earth".
Galatians 4 is about Israel and the MASSIVE change in strategy by God. The Jews by rejecting the new covenant became part of Hagar (read the chapter) and want to defend physical Israel with violence. It says there true believers (pacifist Sarah) are pilgrims on a journey to the Jerusalem above, and this is the fulfilled "Feast of Tabernacles" as Calvary was the fulfilled Passover, that is kept now by "sincerity" it says so, not by some old feast day rituals.
If a person believes Jesus was and is fully God, and fully man, yet without sin, and that he had two natures, divine and human, yet was and is one person, can he be a member of the Orthodox church if ..... he refuses to confess either that he is "monophysite" or "miaphysite" in doctrine and just wants to say "I don't know". This is just one of MANY nuances of doctrine that show the super massive difference between Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism on what being "born again" means. I say a person is born again between himself and God by simply Faith, he doesn't have to pass what amounts to a catechumen exam, however if a so called Orthodox priest refuses the rites of triple baptism and chrismation to a person that refuses point blank to say he is Monophysite in doctrine, he withholds from him by so doing being part of the church by rebirth (at least that is their junk belief) as to them you are born again through rites performed by priestcraft..
in Evangelicalism NOBODY can stop you being born again !!!!
SABBATH: This is an issue of major importance, concerning the lie that Orthodoxy goes right back to Christ. They seem to have no doctrine that Sunday is "the new Sabbath" as the Baptist Confession of 1689 and the Catholics say. Yet it is a mega important issue to prove some continuity of doctrine between themselves and Rome.
The Orthodox have an absurd tradition, that is simply dire heresy, that a person who is cremated cannot be resurrected. It must be remembered if you show one tradition that is part of their beliefs that is proven bogus, it will bring down their house of cards.
HELL: Another area Orthodoxy needs to be clearer about. Sometimes they say "Nothing but separation from God" then decide its fire. Need to research this more.
The bible is clear enough about Hell. It is a physical Lake of Fire, where there is smoke and sulphur. It is literal. There are degrees of torment as it says Sodom would suffer less than Tyre and Sidon.
THE HARROWING OF HELL: I read that the Orthodox believe the same doctrine as the Church of England, called "The Harrowing of Hell", but the belief about preaching to those in the Flood may not apply - need to research this
HADES A Greek word equivalent to the Hebrew Sheol—the realm of the dead. Following His burial and before His glorious Resurrection, Christ liberated the righteous dead in Hades, enabling them to enter Paradise because He had destroyed sin and death by His life-giving death (1 Pet. 3:18-20).
Some believe that The Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament was a Christophany.
Absurd, as, if so, Jesus announced his own birth to the Shepherds. ridiculous
The Eastern Orthodox rightly rejects the Catholic idea of Purgatory, but I read in fact they have their own odd versions or ideas of it. (need to research this more)
OCA.org Quote:
"The Orthodox Church does not accept the teaching on purgatory that developed in more recent times in Roman Catholicism."
Purgatory - though Orthodoxy rightly denies the heretical Roman Catholic version of Purgatory, they have some strange quotations referring to their beliefs about this topic, and "Limbo".
The existence of Purgatory as a supposed equivalent of Hades is refuted by Revelation 20:14 which says "And death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death." Rev 20:14. Hades is better described as "the waiting place of those who will be damned". The Catholic idea is that Purgatory is a place to suffer to be purified for Heaven, which would be salvation by a means other than Christ, thus heresy. The Catholic repost "Not so as it is Jesus who is torturing them, thus it is Salvation by Jesus" is nonsense.
"And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment" (Heb 9:27
Who sent the Holy Spirit? Or from whom does he proceed? - they make denial of the "Filioque" and its link to "perichoresis" an important doctrine to understand in an out of proportionate manner, or form a definite doctrine upon. Frankly I think it is heretical the way they imply you do not believe in the Holy Trinity if you make a decision to believe in the Filioque, that is just extremism and accusative.
Perichoresis is a Greek term used to describe the triune relationship between each person of the Godhead. It can be defined as co-indwelling, co-inhering, and mutual interpenetration. Alister McGrath writes that it "allows the individuality of the persons to be maintained, while insisting that each person shares in the life of the other two. An image often used to express this idea is that of a 'community of being,' in which each person, while maintaining its distinctive identity, penetrates the others and is penetrated by them."
When I went on holiday in Greece there were shrines everywhere. But the Greek Orthodox people are encouraged to have them in their homes. So where do these practices originate? Clearly in Eastern religions, and this is why the word Eastern is added to Orthodoxy.
Relics - I think on the last count the Catholics had 13 bodies of Saint Peter! Greek Orthodoxy is similar in its absurd relics.
The Orthodox Church does not go to the same extent of lies as the Roman Catholic Church with relics. Apparently the sheer goofiness of Catholic claims concerning relics does not put off the credulous to "believe" in them. The city of Rome has had in the past such ridiculous claims as having to view (according to Pilgrimage With Simon Reeve (2013) Season 1 Episode 2) the Arc of the Covenant, the tablets of Moses, and the umbilical cord of Jesus. Not to mention the Roman Catholic church possessing 13 bodies of Saint Peter.
There have been countless cases of infertile women being able to conceive shortly after venerating the relic of the belt of the Theotokos.
the Waldensians who claimed the priests were corrupted and so had no such powers
a reliquary of some relics of St John the Wonderworker
A priest friend brought some oil that had been miraculously streaming from an icon.
A theotokos icon weeping candle oil is a very common...also...The icon of the All-Holy Theotokos of Iberia has a story where...during the ages of iconoclasm someone hit it with a spear and it started to bleed..
The myrrh-streaming icon in Taylor, Pa
Myrrh-Streaming Icons of the Theotokos in Taylor Pennsylvania
The icon at st. Tikhon's has helped women become pregnant
Vlad the Great ....... The various parts of his dismembered body were distributed among his numerous sacred foundations and were venerated as relics.
Pilgrimages were once very common, and incense was used to swing through the churches to help to dispel the stench of the pilgrims on pilgrimage.
This is connected with the Eastern religions and mysticism. Is its intoxicating aroma used to spiritually bewitch people? They try to swing this stuff in your face as soon as you walk through the door.
I have seen it discouraged that the Orthodox actively study the Book of Revelation, in case they discover the truth that Orthodoxy is a daughter of the Whore of Rome.
The End times
"About the end of the world
Talking about the end of the world is not Christian, not orthodox talk.
When antikhrisist comes, we'll know because st. Elijah and st. Enoch, and they will preach, then they will be killed. And God will open through the starets when it is the end and the second coming of Christ. But we pray that God will keep us from these terrible days."
Protoiereus John Mironov
"Talking about the end of the world is not Christian, not orthodox talk." Hmm. Does npot God tell us to be vigilant about watching for fulfilled prophecy? Or is this just about who the individual the antichrists (antikhrisist) or Beast is? True it does say he will be revealed in his time.
Is it an Orthodox Doctrine that the Prophets Elijah and Enoch will return in Revelation chapter 11? What I cannot understand is that Orthodoxy says it has fixed doctrines, yet something like this can be taught as if true, outside of Orthodoxy teachings? Or is this Orthodox doctrine?
Enforced fast days are unbiblical because seen by men.
also..... No meat or dairy products on Wednesday or Friday every single week.
"Orthodox Christians fast on Wednesday in remembrance of the betrayal of Christ and on Fridays in remembrance of His crucifixion and death."
They justify this falsity by saying as Jesus said "When you fast" this means inevitably you will fast, "thus" imposing this is somehow right.
"We sing during the first week of Great Lent, “while fasting from food, let us also fast from our passions." I think this means no sex on the days of Lent. I think it may also infer - no sex on Wednesday or Friday?
Fasting and prayer
There are four main fasting periods:
The Great Fast or the period of Lent
The Fast of the Apostles: Eight days after Pentecost until 28th June. The ends with the Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
The Dormition Fast which begins on 1st August and ends on the 14th August
The Christmas Fast from 15 November to 24th December.
Also all Wednesdays and Fridays are expected to be days of fasting, by not eating meat or dairy products.
Even though today the call to fast is not always strictly followed, nevertheless many devout Orthodox Christians do undergo a time of genuine hardship and it has been said that:
quote: "Orthodox Christians in the twentieth century - laity as well as monks - fast with a severity for which there is no parallel in western Christendom..."
Timothy Ware, The Orthodox Church
However Jesus said to hide your fasting when you fast, and telling people to fast twice a week, every week, and several other specific times of the year therefore contradicts this, and reminds us how Jesus said:
"Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly." Matthew 6:16-18
"And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." Mark 7:9
In the East, Christmas is preceded by a 40 day fast beginning on November 15th. This is a time of reflection, self-restraint and inner healing in the sacrament of confession.
They indoctrinate their children with heresy from infancy.
Born again - is changed to regeneration in infant baptism, referred to as "the laver of regeneration".
It is heretical to say babies who have not yet accepted Christ (because they can't they are too young) become born again. We are born again after accepting Christ as our Saviour and repenting. Also the salvation of babies has entirely nothing to do with Greek triple (???) infant baptism, or Roman Catholic infant sprinkling. Sinful priests and bishops add nothing to the salvation of babies. My teaching on this is babies who die probably all go into the Millennium Kingdom.
Imiaslavie (Russian: Имяславие, literally praising the name) or Imiabozhie (Имябожие), also spelled imyaslavie and imyabozhie, and also referred to as onomatodoxy, is a dogmatic movement which asserts that the Name of God is God Himself. Although it was condemned by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1913,[note 1] it is still promoted by many contemporary Russian writers. Many contemporary supporters are affiliated with Gregory Lourie and St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris. The movement emerged in the beginning of the 20th century but both proponents and opponents claim it to be connected with much religious thought throughout the history of Christianity (proponents claim its connections to the Church Fathers, while opponents claim the connections to the ancient heresiarchs).
(EO rejects it and some claim sent in the Russian Navy to attack and arrest monks on Mt Athos in early 1900s who believed it). advocates of this heresy believe it was taught by many so called church Fathers, see link:
others would point to such statements as showing how you can "prove" anything you want from the scrapheap of flaky wouldbe "early quotations".
see Aleksei Fedorovich Losev
dualism versus Miaphysite Christology