1st Century: (AD 1 to AD 100)
The Persecution of proto Christians.
There is no equivalent of King David slaying goliath in the early church, or Jonathan fighting an entire army on his own, or Samson slaying 1,000 men single handed, or a Gideon winning battles with small numbers of men, or any other generals and "heroes" like Joshua. There was much persecution but no evidence of fighting wars against their persecutors. The instruction of Jesus what to do in the 70 AD Siege of Jerusalem was "flee to the mountains" (Luke 13:14) even if you see this as a dual prophecy linked to the end times.
The history of violence you will see in this long historical study, by Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and their preschism / post Constantine ancestors, has nothing to do with the true "Peace and Love" teachings of Jesus.
2nd Century: (AD 101 to AD 200)
The Persecution of early Christians.
3rd Century: (AD 201 - AD 300)
285 - by this date the Roman Empire had grown so vast that it was no longer feasible to govern all the provinces from the central seat of Rome. The Emperor Diocletian divided the empire into halves with the Eastern Empire governed out of Byzantium (later Constantinople) and the Western Empire governed from Rome. This fact is included because of its probable inevitable connection to the later division in so called Christendom.
4th century: (AD 301 to AD 400)
The 4th century begins with civil war resulting in the ascendancy of Constantine I, then, after his death, wars with Persia and Germanic tribes, punctuated frequently with more civil wars.
* Constantine's: persecution of Arians.
* Violence in the reign of Constantius II. When Paul, the orthodox bishop of Constantinople, was banished by imperial decree, a riot broke out that resulted in 3000 deaths
* Monks in Alexandria: were the first to gain a reputation for violence and cruelty.
* At Ephesus, a fight broke out in a council of bishops resulting in one of them being murdered. Gibbon's assessment was that "the bonds of civil society were torn asunder by the fury of religious factions." Gregory of Nazianzus lamented that the Kingdom of heaven had been converted into the "image of hell" by religious discord.
* Athanasius of Alexandria (so called saint): - Richard Rubenstein and Timothy Barnes allege he practiced the suppression of the dissent through violence and murder.
* Julian the Apostate: tried to restore paganism in the empire.
* Emperor Valens: — himself an Arian — renewed the persecution of Nicene hierarchs.
* Theodosius I : effectively wiped out Arianism once and for all among the elites of the Eastern Empire through a combination of imperial decree, persecution, and
* Severus of Antioch: is said to have stirred up a fierce religious war among the population of Alexandria, resulting in bloodshed and conflagrations (Labbe, v. 121). To escape punishment for this violence, he fled to Constantinople, supported by a band of two hundred Non-Chalcedonian monks.
(constructing these....)
313 Edict of Milan :
340-347? - Ulfilas: (also known as Ulphilas and Orphila, Wulfila) supposedly spreads the Arian false Gospel (teachings of Arius) to the Goths. (mentioned as it later resulted in bloodshed).
the main heresy denying the divinity of Christ, originating with the Alexandrian priest Arius ( c.250– c.336). Arianism maintained that the son of God was created by the Father and was therefore neither coeternal nor consubstantial with the Father.
344-363 - Wars with Persia: [show]
Wars with AlemanniL" [show]
366 - Civil War: – Battle of Thyatira – The army of the Roman emperor Valens defeats the usurper Procopius.
381 - Second Ecumenical Council of 381: the Orthodox like to forget to mention this was connected to persecuting Arians and others deemed "sects" with violence. expanding the Nicene Creed.
388 - Civil War: – Battle of the Save – Emperor Theodosius I defeats the usurper Magnus Maximus.
394 - Civil War: – Battle of the Frigidus – Theodosius I defeats and kills the usurper Eugenius and his Frankish magister militum Arbogast.
Oxford English Dictionary, quote:
Dark Ages
1 the period in western Europe between the fall of the Roman Empire and the high Middle Ages, c.500–1100 ad, during which Germanic tribes swept through Europe and North Africa, often attacking and destroying towns and settlements. It was judged to have been a time of relative unenlightenment, though scholarship was kept alive in the monasteries and learning was encouraged at the courts of Charlemagne and Alfred the Great.
• a period of supposed unenlightenment: a throwback to the dark ages of computing.
• (the dark ages) humorous or derogatory an obscure or little-regarded period in the past, especially as characterizing an outdated attitude or practice: the judge is living in the dark ages.
In the so called "dark ages" people tended to live far more in isolated small communities. This was in fact a time in which communities of Evangelical Christians could far more easily hide from persecution, and their belief of not having idols, or building church buildings, would mean little archaeological evidence would be found to prove their existence.
5th century: (AD 401 to AD 500)
Map showing the paths of invasion by various groups into Eastern and Western Roman territoryThe 5th century involves the final fall of the Western Roman Empire to Goths, Vandals, Alans, Huns, and Franks.
402-419 - Wars with Gothic Tribes: [show]
432 - Civil War: – Battle of Ravenna – Bonifacius defeats rival Roman general Flavius Aetius, but is mortally wounded in the process.
436 - War with Visigoths: – Battle of Narbonne – Flavius Aetius again defeats the Visigoths led by Theodoric.
447-451 - War with the Huns: ( [show]
450-493 - Fall of the West:
451 AD - Battle of Avarayr - Armenia versus the Sassanid Empire (around about the time of the reign of Theodosius 2nd in the Eastern Roman Empire) . this is an interesting conflict, and may (some would say obviously) shows the root of the doctrinal differences between the Arminian and other Eastern Orthodox churches.
see YouTube video:
484 - 572 - Samaritan Revolts: Byzantine Empire versus Samaritans.
Theodosius 2nd fought the Vandals in North Africa, Attila the Hun, and was forced to face the Sassanid Empire too.
(The only thing I disagree with in all these baz battle type secular historian videos is the general term "Christian" applied to pre schism warlike pseudo christians, and Catholics and Orthodox later. Constantine infected the Faith with the "scarlet and purple heresy" of Revelation 17, that is melding secular (purple) and religious (scarlet) power together, bringing war into the Faith, when Jesus taught Peace and Love and banned war. This will perhaps lead to never discussing the persecution of true Christian pacifists under Constantine, their dispersal to avoid persecution, and the re-emergence from hiding in the Reformation Era, and at the time of the Lollards. )
6th century: (AD 501 to AD 600)
502-503 - Siege of Amida - The Persians captured the city of Amida.
502-508 - Anastasian War: The Greeks were involved in this.
526-532 - Iberian War: see Battle of Dara & Battle of Callinicum
528 –
Battle of Thannuris (or Battle of Mindouos) – Sassanid Persians defeat Byzantines under Belisarius, death of Jabalah IV ibn al-Harith
530 –
Battle of Dara – Belisarius defeats the Persians
Battle of Satala – Byzantine Empire defeats the Sassanid Empire
531 – Battle of Callinicum – Persian general Azarethes defeats Belisarius
532 - Nika riots: Against Justinian 1st, Nearly half Constantinople burnt and tens of thousands killed.
533 – 13 September Battle of Ad Decimum: – Byzantine Empire vs The Vandals. Belisarius defeats Vandals near Carthage
- 533 - 15 December Battle of Tricamarum – Belisarius defeats again the Vandals near Carthage.
535 –
536 – Siege of Naples – Byzantines capture Naples
537 – Battle of Scalas Veteres
537–38 – Siege of Rome – Byzantines defend Rome against the Ostrogoths
541 – Siege of Verona – Ostrogoths under Totila repel the Byzantines
542 –
Battle of Faventia – Ostrogoths under Totila defeat the combined Byzantine armies
Battle of Mucellium – Ostrogoths under Totila defeat the Byzantines
542–543 – Siege of Naples – Totila recaptures Naples
544 – Battle of Cillium – The Byzantine governor of Africa Solomon is killed by the Moors
546 – Sack of Rome by Totila, King of the Ostrogoths
548 – Battle of the Fields of Cato – The new Byzantine commander, John Troglita, crushes the Moorish uprising
551 – Battle of Sena Gallica – Byzantine fleet destroys the Ostrogothic navy
552 – Battle of Taginae – Narses replaces Belisarius and defeats Ostrogoths under Totila
553 – Battle of Mons Lactarius Narses defeats the Ostrogoths under Teia
554, October – Battle of the Volturnus – Narses defeats the Franks
559 – Battle of Melantias – Belisarius defeats the Kutrigurs
555 – Siege of Phasis – Byzantine Empire defeats the Sassanid Empire
572-591 - Byzantine vs Sassanian war.
573 –
Siege of Nisibis – Failed Byzantine siege of Nisibis
Siege of Dara – Sassanid Empire captures the strategic fortress of Dara
576 – Battle of Melitene – Byzantine Empire defeats the Sassanid Empire
586 – Battle of Solachon – Byzantine Empire defeats the Sassanid Empire
588 – Battle of Martyropolis – Byzantine Empire defeats the Sassanid Empire
591 – Battle of Blarathon – Byzantines defeat Bahram Chobin and help Khosrau II to recover his throne
7th century: (AD 601 to AD 700)
602-628: Final Byzantine vs Sassanian war.
613 – Battle of Antioch
614 –
626 – Siege of Constantinople
627 – Battle of Nineveh
629 – Battle of Mu'tah
634 –
635–636 – Siege of Emesa
636 – Battle of Yarmouk
637 –
637 –
638 – Siege of Germanicia
640 – Battle of Heliopolis
641 – Siege of Alexandria
646 – Battle of Nikiou
647 – Battle of Sufetula
655 – Battle of the Masts
674–678 – Siege of Constantinople
680 – Battle of Ongal
682 or 683 – Battle of Vescera
692 – Battle of Sebastopolis
698 – Battle of Carthage
8th century: (AD 701 to AD 800)
707–708 or 708–709 – Siege of Tyana – Umayyads besiege and capture Tyana
717–718 – Siege of Constantinople – Second and last siege of Constantinople by the Arabs
727 – Siege of Nicaea – Unsuccessful siege of Nicaea by the Arabs
726 - "First Iconoclasm", 726 and 787
According to the traditional view, Byzantine Iconoclasm was started by a ban on religious images by Emperor Leo III and continued under his successors. It was accompanied by widespread destruction of images and persecution of supporters of the veneration of images.
740 – Battle of Akroinon – Byzantine emperor Leo III the Isaurian destroys an Arab invasion force
746 – Battle of Keramaia
756 – Battle of Marcellae
763 – Battle of Anchialus
766 – Siege of Kamacha – Unsuccessful Abbasid siege of the fort of Kamacha
774 – Battle of Berzitia
782 – Abbasid invasion of Asia Minor – Harun al-Rashid leads his troops as far as Chrysopolis
788 – Battle of Kopidnadon – Byzantines defeated by Abbasid invasion
792 – Battle of Marcellae
9th century: (AD 801 to AD 900)
804 – Battle of Krasos – Abbasid army defeats emperor Nikephoros I
806 – Abbasid invasion of Asia Minor – Harun al-Rashid invades Asia Minor and sacks Heraclea
811 – Battle of Pliska – Emperor Nikephoros I is defeated by Bulgarian army
814 and 842 - The "Second Iconoclasm"
827–828 – Siege of Syracuse – Unsuccessful siege of Syracuse by the Aghlabids
829 – Battle of Thasos – Byzantine fleet is defeated by Emirate of Crete
838 –
Battle of Anzen – Emperor Theophilos is defeated by the Abbasids under Afshin.
Sack of Amorium – Abbasids under Caliph al-Mu'tasim besiege and sack the city of Amorium
841-843 Frankish civil war (Charles the Bald vs Lothair vs Louis the German)
844 – Battle of Mauropotamos – Abbasid army defeats the Byzantines under Theoktistos
853 – Sack of Damietta – Byzantine fleet raids and captures the port of Damietta in Egypt
862 – Capture of Faruriyyah – Abbasids capture the border fortress of Farurriyah
863 – Battle of Lalakaon – Byzantine army under Petronas annihilates the army of Malatya and kills its emir, Umar al-Aqta
868 – Siege of Ragusa – Byzantine fleet under Niketas Ooryphas relieves Ragusa and restores Byzantine control over Dalmatia
871 - Battle of Ashdown: (Alfred the Great - Vikings: Great Heathen Army)
872 or 878 – Battle of Bathys Ryax – The Byzantines defeat the Paulicians and kill their leader, Chrysocheir
872 or 873 – Battle of Kardia – Byzantine fleet under Niketas Ooryphas defeats the Cretan Saracens under the renegade Photios
873 or 879 – Battle of the Gulf of Corinth – Byzantine fleet under Niketas Ooryphas defeats the Cretan Saracens under the renegade Photios
877–878 – Siege of Syracuse – Fall of Syracuse to the Aghlabids
880 –
Battle of Cephalonia – Nasar defeats an Aghlabid fleet raiding western Greece in a night battle
Battle of Stelai – Nasar defeats an Aghlabid fleet off Calabria
After 883 : Siege of Euripos
888 – Battle of Milazzo - Aghlabids defeat Byzantines
896 – Battle of Boulgarophygon – Bulgarian Army defeats Byzantines under Leo Katakalon
10th century: (AD 901 to AD 1000)
902 – Siege of Taormina – The former Aghlabid emir, Ibrahim II, captures the fortress of Taormina
917 –
922 – Battle of Pegae
953 – Battle of Marash
958 – Battle of Raban
960 – Battle of Andrassos
962 – Siege of Taormina – The Fatimids capture the fortress of Taormina
965 – Battle of the Straits – The Fatimids destroy a Byzantine invasion fleet under Niketas Abalantes
970 – Battle of Arcadiopolis
970–971 – Siege of Dorostolon
971 – Battle of Alexandretta
994 – Battle of the Orontes
995 – Battle of Thessalonica
997 – Battle of Spercheios
998 – Battle of Apamea
11th century: (1001 AD to 1100 AD)
1004 –
1009 – Battle of Kreta
1014 –
1015 – Battle of Bitola
1017 – Battle of Setina
1018 –
1021 – Battle of Shirimni
1022 – Battle of Svindax
1024 – Battle of Lemnos
1030 – Battle of Azaz
1030 - The Battle of Stiklestad
1040 –
1041 –
1047 – Battle of Sasireti
1048 – Battle of Kapetron
THE GREAT SCHISM OF 1054: so up until this point the Roman Catholics And Eastern Orthodox are (loosely) supposed to have been "one church" doing all their war and butchery together.
1054 – (1st) Battle of Manzikert: - a successful defense of the city of Manzikert by Byzantine forces under Basil Apocapes against the Seljuk Turks led by sultan Toğrül.
1067 – Battle of Caesarea
1068–71 – Siege of Bari
1069 – Battle of Iconium
1071 – (2nd) Battle of Manzikert: was fought between the Byzantine Empire and the Seljuk Empire on August 26, 1071 near Manzikert (modern Malazgirt in Muş Province, Turkey). A decisive defeat of the Byzantine army. it is said this led to the First Crusade later.
1078 – Battle of Kalavrye
1081 – Battle of Dyrrhachium
1091 – Battle of Levounion
1095–1099 - First Crusade: Pope Urban Preaches The First Crusade (1095) In response to requests from the Byzantine Empire for mercenaries to help them fight the Sejuk Turks, who had overrun the heart of Asia Minor and taken much of the Holy Land in the decades after defeating the Byzantines at Manzikert in 1071, Pope Urban II (1088–1099) called for an armed pilgrimage to Jerusalem to free the Holy Land from the hands of the Saracens.
It has been suggested this Crusade by Catholics and Orthodox, was a covert and cunning attempt by Pope Urban to reunite both religions back into one, and seeing this the Orthodox only help to start the crusade more than help finish it.
1097 – Siege of Nicaea
12th century: (1101 AD to 1200 AD)
1101 - Crusade of 1101: called: "The Crusade of the Faint-Hearted" was a minor crusade of three separate movements, organized in 1100 and 1101 in the successful aftermath of the First Crusade.
Post-Crusade of 1101:
1113 – Siege of Nicaea
1117 – Battle of Philomelion
1122 – Battle of Beroia
1138 – Siege of Shaizar
1145–1149 - Second Crusade:
Post-Second Crusade:
1163–1169 - Crusader invasions of Egypt:
1167 – Battle of Sirmium
1176 – Battle of Myriokephalon
1185 –
1187 - Saladin reconquered Jerusalem from the "Christians" in 1187,
1187 – Siege of Lovech
1189–1192 - Third Crusade:
1190 – Battle of Tryavna
1191: Arsuf (1191) Richard the Lionheart defeats Saladin at Arsuf.
1194 – Battle of Arcadiopolis
1196 – Battle of Serres
1197 - Crusade of 1197: called "The German Crusade" or "the Crusade of Henry VI" was a crusade launched by the Hohenstaufen emperor Henry VI in response to the aborted attempt of his father, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa during the Third Crusade in 1189–90. Thus the military campaign is also known as "The Emperor's Crusade."
13th century: (1201 AD to 1300 AD)
1201 – Siege of Varna
1202–1204- Fourth Crusade:
1203 – Siege of Constantinople – First attack on Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade, deposition of Alexios III Angelos
1204 – Siege of Constantinople – Second attack and capture of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade, dissolution of the Byzantine Empire, establishment of the Latin Empire. In short instead of going on a quest to "save Jerusalem" the crusaders decided to sack Constantinople.
1205 –
1205–06 – Siege of Trebizond
1207 – Siege of Attalia
1209–1229 - The Albigensian Crusade or the Cathar Crusade: was a 20-year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate Catharism in Languedoc, in southern France
12:12 - The Children's Crusade: (there are said to have been more than one of these tragic crusades.)
1214 – Siege of Sinope
(1213?) 1217–1221- Fifth Crusade:
1222–23 – Siege of Trebizond
1223 or 1224 – Battle of Poimanenon
1228–1229 - Sixth Crusade: started by Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick II. instead of a Pope, for the first time.
1230 – Battle of Klokotnitsa – Bulgarians defeat and capture Theodore Komnenos Doukas
1235 – Siege of Constantinople – Unsuccessful joint Bulgarian–Nicaean siege of Constantinople
1239 - The Barons' Crusade: broadly spanned from 1234-1241.
1248 – 1254 - Seventh Crusade:
1254 – Battle of Adrianople
1259 – Battle of Pelagonia
1260 – Siege of Constantinople
1263 –
1263 or 1264 – Battle of Makryplagi
1270 - Eighth Crusade:
1271 – 1271 - Ninth Crusade:
1272/73 or 1274/75 –
1279 – Battle of Devina
1280–81 – Siege of Berat
1291 - Siege of Acre - victory of the Mamelukes.
14th century: (1301 AD to 1400 AD)
1304 –
Battle of Bapheus – First Ottoman victory over the regular Byzantine army
Battle of Skafida – Bulgarians defeat the Byzantines
1305 - Battle of Apros -The Catalan Company defeats the Byzantines
1310 - Conquest of Rhodes - Hospitaller capture Rhodes
1320–26 – Siege of Prussa – The Ottomans capture the city of Prussa, which becomes their capital
1329 – Battle of Pelekanon – The Ottomans defeat the last Byzantine attempt to defend Asia Minor
1328–31 – Siege of Nicaea – Ottomans capture the city of Nicaea
1332 – Battle of Rusokastro – Bulgarians defeat the Byzantines
1333–37 – Siege of Nicomedia – Fall of Nicomedia to the Ottomans
1354 – Fall of Gallipoli – Capture of Gallipoli by the Ottomans, first Ottoman stronghold in Europe
1366 – Reconquest of Gallipoli – Amadeus VII, Count of Savoy, recovers Gallipoli for the Byzantines.
1378 THE WESTERN SCHISM (rival Popes)
1390 – Fall of Philadelphia – Ottomans capture Philadelphia, the last Byzantine stronghold in Asia
15th century: (1401 AD to 1500 AD)
1411 – Siege of Constantinople: – Ottomans besiege Constantinople.
1419-1434 Hussite Wars, Battle of Lipany - European Wars of Religion DOCUMENTARY
1420 - The 1st Hussite Crusade. Pope Martin V, issued a bull on 17 March 1420 - proclaiming a crusade "for the destruction of the Wycliffites, Hussites and all other heretics in Bohemia". (Please notice the warper historical emphasis on the Hussies when many pre-Reformation Protestants were in fact also the target). The Siege of Prague. (see Battle of Vyšehrad). the Battle of Sudoměř: (25 March 1420), Sigismund was defeated at the Battle of Vítkov Hill on July 1420.
1421 - The 2nd Anti-Hussite Crusade: Sigismund took possession of the town of Kutná Hora but was decisively defeated by Jan Žižka at the Battle of Deutschbrod (Německý Brod) on 6 January 1422. (Civil war in Bohemia - Jan Želivský beheaded).
1422 - The 3rd Hussite Crusade: Popacy calls for a new 3rd crusade against Bohemia, but it resulted in complete failure, After several military successes gained by Žižka in 1423 and the following year, a treaty of peace between the Hussite factions was concluded on 13 September 1424 at Libeň, a village near Prague, now part of that city.
1422 – Siege of Constantinople – Ottomans besiege Constantinople
1422–30 – Siege of Thessalonica – Ottomans besiege and capture Thessalonica (after 1423 held by Venice)
1426 - 1427 - The 4th Hussite Crusade: Hussite forces, led by Prokop and Sigismund Korybut, signally defeated the invaders in the Battle of Aussig. Pope Martin V, to believe that the Hussites were much weakened. Martin proclaimed yet another crusade in 1427. He appointed Cardinal Henry Beaufort of England as Papal Legate of Germany, Hungary, and Bohemia, to lead the crusader forces.. The crusaders were defeated at the Battle of Tachov. But after a few years, Korybut returned to Poland with his men. Korybut and his Poles, however, did not really want to leave; but the Pope threatened to call a crusade against Poland if they did not.
1427 – Battle of the Echinades
1431 - 1439. The 5th Hussite Crusade: n 1 August 1431 a large army of crusaders under Frederick I, Elector of Brandenburg, accompanied by Cardinal Cesarini as papal legate, crossed the Bohemian border. On 8 August the crusaders reached the city of Domažlice and began besieging it. On 14 August, a Hussite relief army arrived, reinforced with some 6,000 Polish Hussites and under the command of Prokop the Great, and it completely routed the crusaders at the resulting Battle of Domažlice. As the legend has it, upon seeing the Hussite banners and hearing their battle hymn, "Ktož jsú boží bojovníci" ("Ye Who are Warriors of God"), the invading Papal forces immediately took to flight.
In 1434 war again broke out between the Utraquists and the Taborites. On 30 May 1434, the Taborite army, led by Prokop the Great and Prokop the Lesser, who both fell in the battle, was totally defeated and almost annihilated at the Battle of Lipany.
The Polish Hussite movement also came to an end. Polish royal troops under Władysław III of Varna defeated the Hussites at the Battle of Grotniki in 1439, bringing the Hussite Wars to an end.
1453 – Fall of Constantinople – Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II captures Constantinople, ending the Byzantine Empire.
1461 – Siege of Trebizond – Sultan Mehmed II captures Trebizond, ending the Empire of Trebizond:
1463-1718 - Ottoman–Venetian Wars :
1475 - The Battle of Vaslui (also referred to as the Battle of Podul Înalt or the Battle of Racova) was fought on 10 January 1475, between Stephen III (Catholic) of Moldavia and the Ottoman governor of Rumelia (Muslim), Hadım Suleiman Pasha. Stephen inflicted a decisive defeat on the Ottomans, described as "the greatest ever secured by the Cross (???) against Islam," with casualties, according to Venetian and Polish records, reaching beyond 40,000 on the Ottoman side.
1492 - Fall of Granada: Spain is regained.
16th Century: (1501 AD to 1600 AD)
1571 - Battle of Lepanto:
17th Century: (1601 AD to 1700 AD)
18th Century: (1701 AD to 1800 AD)
19th Century: (1801 AD to 1900 AD)
1803 - Souliote War:
1803 - 1815 - 3 Ottoman invasions of Mani
1821 - 1832 - Greek War of Independence: (many battles)
1823 - Greek civil wars:
1841 - Cretan Revolt against Ottoman Empire:
1854 - Epirus: Greek revolt against Ottoman Empire.
1858-1898 - many Cretan Revolts against the Ottoman Empire.
1878 - Revolts in Thessaly, Macedonia and Epirus against Ottoman's.
1897 - Greco-Turkish War:
20th Century: (1901 AD to 2000 AD)
1904-1908 - The Greek Struggle in Macedonia: Greek battles with Bulgarians
1905-1906 - Theriso revolt :
1912-1913 - Balkan Wars:
1914–1918 - The First World War,
1918: Battle of Imbros: Mediterranean Theater
1918: Battle of Skra-di-Legen : Balkans Campaign / Macedonian Front
19:18: Battle of Doiran: Balkans Campaign / Macedonian Front
1919-1922 - Greco-Turkish War:
1923 - Corfu incident:
1925 - Incident at Petrich:
1917–1922 - The Russian Civil War,
1939–1945 - The Second World War,
The Russians, Greeks, and many other predominantly Eastern Orthodox countries fought in World War 2. I have yet to hear of a massive doctrinal pacifist objection being put forward by the Eastern Orthodox church or clergy.
1941 - Battle of Greece/ German Invasion of Greece:
1941-1945 - Greek Resistance against Axis occupation:
see link:
1946-1949 - Greek Civil War :
1950-1958 - Korean War, Greek Expeditionary Force in Korea:
1974 - Turkish invasion of Cyprus:
Greece has also been involved in many UN and NATO interventions.
1992–1995 - The Bosnian War,
1998–1999 - The Kosovo War, 1998–1999
21st Century: (2001 AD to 2100 AD)
2001–2013 - The Global War on Terrorism,
2001–2014 - The War in Afghanistan,